Hi ,
this morning suddenly most of the Clients ask for putting the Login Data on the installed Client for Connection again. In the online Dashboard most of them are now RED, also NOT connected, despite the Clients and Server are running. Manually the login can made again, but I do NOT want to do that for 90 Clients. Any Idea ? Activation Key valid till next year, was running before without problems.
Greetings, Holger
We are aware that there are issues with the CCleaner servers this week.
You are not the only one today to report an issue with CCleaner Cloud.
Unfortunately we are users like yourself and have no idea what is going on.
PS. I've just checked and the support pages for CCleaner Cloud have also gone down, including the contact page.
Same here, I have almost 10,000 clients so entering manually isn't even possible. Only thing that works for us is reinstall the client which we can do with SCCM. Of course then we have to confirm each of the clients, which will take the rest of my life since I can't confirm more than a few dozen at a time.
Tank you for the update @hazelnut @nukecadv and the information provided. The information says, I quote below, which means, I pay a CCleaner Cloud Business Solution and as Agent/Partner also to my Customers, and CCleaner has no solution to me, because I wrote, I am not interested in login every client newly or approve it in the dashboard every client as new. Please provide a professional solution for professional customers. Also priority support did not work yesterday, because the WebForm was not online and from the eMail support@ccleaner.com came no answer till now. Hope that happens very soon, that the mess is not delegated to professional customers from your side.
CCleaner Cloud Status
On 15th August, due to a server error, some customer computers got disconnected from CCleaner Cloud. As a result, some computers have been receiving a login prompt.
The root cause has been resolved. If you are receiving a login prompt, to bring your computers back online in CCleaner Cloud, please login when prompted on your machines or re-install CCleaner Cloud from the latest installer, available when logged into the website. We apologize for this inconvenience and have already taken steps to ensure it does not happen again
In the same situation as the OP/Author, 90+ systems to sort out.
Initially, when reinstating the PC’s either via login or installer . . . . .
1. Loss of the PC name and detail (Rename) that we assigned
2. Not in any group at all, and have to be manually re-assigned to the correct group
3. Do not retain the profile that was previously assigned to them
Whatever they have done so far, all the systems now display the correct name and re-instated in correct groups WITHOUT any action on our part. However many show as OFFLINE.
For many systems, CCleaner admin panel shows OFFLINE , when other Admin panels show connected.
On others, they show as connected to CCleaner in the taskbar icon, but OFFLINE in the admin panel.
Re-install / reconfirm is the only solution that works, but that is totally impractical in our situation.
Email to support, similarly no response. Hoping they resolve this quickly and effectively.
All, apologies for not replying to these messages sooner. We are aware that the forum has not been monitored very well of late and will be addressing that as soon as possible.
In relation to the issue raised in this thread, we have published an article on the CCleaner Help Centre site with further information. Please see here: How to re-link disconnected computers - August-2023.
Again, apologies for not sharing the details any sooner – we realize how frustrating that is and are already taking steps to improve.
If you are CCleaner Cloud customer are need support in future, please use the CCleaner Help Centre site search for help or contact support.