CCleaner cleaner hangs on program start

So I've run into this problem where I can't run CCleaner's Cleaner (redundant, meh). The other tabs etc work fine, but it just sits on infinite loop loading Windows/Applications... the log doesn't show anything interesting.

It also is doing anything else extremely slowly; I've been running registry cleaner for 5 minutes and it has barely progressed

Sigh, also, the uninstaller is hanging

EDIT: Reinstall got it working, but it is very slow

If you're using any add-ons such as winapp2.ini or some "enhancer" try removing them to see if that helps. If you don't using of those uninstall CCleaner, reboot, and then reinstall CCleaner by downloading it from Piriform at:

Yea, I've done a clean vanilla install. It can now start Analyzing, but it has been scanning only a handful of files per minute. Been at 0% for 10 minutes now.

What anti-malware system do you use? What version of windows?

Avast on Win 8.1

If you temporarily suspended avast's live scan or whitelist ccleaner does it help?

Same behavior

In fact, it took almost 10 minutes to finally launch... and now it is just a black box.

Can you run ccleaner in debug mode and provide the log it creates, maybe that'll help. (I've got nothing to go on here yet, I'm definitely not experiencing this on my win 8.1 box)

Yea, the error popped up suddenly and I can't figure out what change to my system triggered it.

The log is of literally 0 value. It took a while to launch, didn't throw any errors, then quit normally.

[20:18:51::693][INFO ] CCleaner v5.05.5176 (64-bit)
[20:18:51::694][INFO ] Windows 8.1 64-bit
[20:18:51::695][INFO ] Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
[20:18:53::848][INFO ] 8.0GB RAM
[20:18:53::848][INFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
[20:18:53::850][INFO ] Username: Zagadka

[20:18:53::850][INFO ] Application Started
[20:24:46::466][INFO ] Closing application…
[20:24:46::480][INFO ] Finished closing application
[20:24:46::480][INFO ] Application Ended

Getting a log of an actual scan (like I should have at first)

How comfortable are you with running regedit? I don't want to go down that road if your aren't very, but you sound like you know what you are doing.

[20:28:36::232][INFO ] CCleaner v5.05.5176 (64-bit)
[20:28:36::233][INFO ] Windows 8.1 64-bit
[20:28:36::233][INFO ] Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
[20:28:36::233][INFO ] 8.0GB RAM
[20:28:36::233][INFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
[20:28:36::234][INFO ] Username: Zagadka

[20:28:36::234][INFO ] Application Started
[20:28:43::528][INFO ] Entering Analysis
[20:28:43::528][INFO ] OnBegin
[20:28:43::528][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3101 | Temporary Internet Files
[20:28:49::439][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\2G7UC4R0\logo-2x[1].png
[20:28:49::531][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\711[1]
[20:28:49::538][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\711[2]
[20:28:49::539][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\auto[1].htm
[20:28:49::626][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\fwlink[1].htm
[20:28:49::654][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\suggestions[1].en-US
[20:28:49::756][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\YZ01Y86F\xml[1].xml
[20:28:49::765][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\711[1]
[20:28:49::784][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\[1].js
[20:28:49::784][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\auto[1].htm
[20:28:49::803][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\Bernie%20Email%20Image%20150501%20Contribute%20Small[1].png
[20:28:49::804][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\BingBarSetup-Partner[1].EXE
[20:28:50::597][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\eve-gfe-shield-tv-referral-batman-hearthstone-banners[1].htm
[20:28:50::727][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\iecompatviewlist[1].xml
[20:28:50::808][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\instrument14[1].htm
[20:28:55::573][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\jquery[1].js
[20:29:01::263][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\[1].css
[20:29:04::155][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\nv-gtm[1].js
[20:29:06::081][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\rules[1].xml
[20:29:08::789][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\[1].js
[20:29:09::476][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\[1].css
[20:29:09::528][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\views[1]
[20:29:09::611][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\ZV7HFURE\views[2]
[20:29:09::745][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Low\AntiPhishing\4A72F430-B40C-4D36-A068-CE33ADA5ADF9.dat
[20:29:10::165][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Low\SuggestedSites.dat
[20:29:14::973][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\WRAEVER2\[1]
[20:29:18::403][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3101 | Temporary Internet Files
[20:29:18::403][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3103 | History
[20:29:24::368][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\Last Active\RecoveryStore.{554444B5-F9D8-11E4-BF30-5CF37065F860}.dat
[20:29:24::501][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\Last Active{554444B6-F9D8-11E4-BF30-5CF37065F860}.dat
[20:29:24::506][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3103 | History
[20:29:24::506][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3111 | Add-ons Statistics
[20:29:24::507][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3111 | Add-ons Statistics
[20:29:24::507][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3102 | Cookies
[20:29:24::598][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\2C81NUNQ.txt
[20:29:24::662][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\8XG5U6H8.txt
[20:29:27::215][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\YFQ1U941.txt
[20:29:41::644][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3102 | Cookies
[20:29:41::644][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3104 | Recently Typed URLs
[20:29:41::645][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3104 | Recently Typed URLs
[20:29:41::645][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3105 | Delete Index.dat files
[20:29:42::482][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3105 | Delete Index.dat files
[20:29:42::482][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3001 | 3108 | Last Download Location
[20:29:42::483][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3001 | 3108 | Last Download Location
[20:29:42::483][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3002 | 3121 | Recent Documents
[20:29:42::485][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CCleaner.lnk
[20:29:42::485][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CCleaner64_v5.05.5176_2015-05-13_20-18-51.log.lnk
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3002 | 3121 | Recent Documents
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3002 | 3122 | Run (in Start Menu)
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3002 | 3122 | Run (in Start Menu)
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3002 | 3124 | Other Explorer MRUs
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3002 | 3124 | Other Explorer MRUs
[20:29:42::485][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3002 | 3131 | Thumbnail Cache
[20:29:42::488][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete\thm7066.tmp
[20:29:42::488][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete\thm7067.tmp
[20:29:42::488][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete\thm7087.tmp
[20:29:42::488][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete\thm7088.tmp
[20:29:42::489][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3002 | 3131 | Thumbnail Cache
[20:29:42::489][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3002 | 3133 | Taskbar Jump Lists
[20:29:42::489][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3002 | 3133 | Taskbar Jump Lists
[20:29:42::489][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3141 | Empty Recycle Bin
[20:29:47::022][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3141 | Empty Recycle Bin
[20:29:47::022][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3142 | Temporary Files
[20:30:12::361][DEBUG] C:\Windows\TEMP\chrome_installer.log
[20:30:20::441][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\chrome_installer.log
[20:30:20::496][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\CR_B332C.tmp\SETUP_PATCH.PACKED.7Z
[20:30:21::401][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_1f570142.TMP
[20:30:24::007][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_49b1af2f.TMP
[20:30:27::047][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_6199f390.TMP
[20:30:32::902][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_93ad2af0.TMP
[20:30:35::821][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_9e3e2662.TMP
[20:30:36::214][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_c8a99d54.TMP
[20:30:36::483][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Temp\INS_f54ae5dd.TMP
[20:30:38::983][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3142 | Temporary Files
[20:30:38::983][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3148 | Clipboard
[20:30:38::983][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3148 | Clipboard
[20:30:38::983][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3143 | Memory Dumps
[20:30:39::086][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3143 | Memory Dumps
[20:30:39::086][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3144 | Chkdsk File Fragments
[20:30:39::086][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3144 | Chkdsk File Fragments
[20:30:39::086][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3003 | 3145 | Windows Log Files
[20:30:39::586][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\setupact.log
[20:30:39::586][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\setuperr.log
[20:30:52::041][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DirectX.log
[20:30:52::041][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\Logs\CBS\CbsPersist_20150514003926.log
[20:30:52::042][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\Logs\CBS\FilterList.log
[20:31:12::749][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\MpCmdRun.log
[20:38:59::295][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\metastore\edb.log
[20:38:59::324][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\metastore\edbtmp.log
[20:38:59::324][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\remotemetastore\v1\edb.log
[20:39:02::334][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\remotemetastore\v1\edbtmp.log
[20:39:10::658][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SkyDrive\logs\SyncDiagnostics.log
[20:39:15::746][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V010031B.log
[20:39:19::076][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V010031C.log
[20:39:19::076][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V010031D.log
[20:39:19::864][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V010031E.log
[20:39:19::894][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V010031F.log
[20:39:20::037][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V0100320.log
[20:39:20::037][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V0100321.log
[20:39:20::077][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V0100322.log
[20:39:20::102][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V0100323.log
[20:39:20::131][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V0100324.log
[20:49:19::108][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\ngen.log
[20:50:04::748][DEBUG] C:\WINDOWS\inf\
[20:50:09::138][DEBUG] C:\Users\Zagadka\AppData\Local\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0_32\UsageLogs\GFExperience.exe.log
[20:50:28::114][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3003 | 3145 | Windows Log Files
[20:50:33::915][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3026 | 3161 | Mozilla - Internet Cache
[20:51:36::898][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3026 | 3161 | Mozilla - Internet Cache
[20:51:36::898][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3026 | 3162 | Mozilla - Internet History
[20:51:36::961][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3026 | 3162 | Mozilla - Internet History
[20:51:36::961][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3026 | 3102 | Mozilla - Cookies
[20:52:01::266][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3026 | 3102 | Mozilla - Cookies
[20:52:01::266][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3026 | 3163 | Mozilla - Download History
[20:52:03::574][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3026 | 3163 | Mozilla - Download History
[20:52:03::574][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3026 | 3167 | Mozilla - Session
[20:52:03::583][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3026 | 3167 | Mozilla - Session
[20:52:03::583][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Bing Finance
[20:52:06::351][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Bing Finance
[20:52:06::352][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Bing Maps
[20:52:22::574][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Bing Maps
[20:52:22::574][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Bing News
[20:52:22::872][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Bing News
[20:52:22::872][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Bing Sports
[20:52:39::567][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Bing Sports
[20:52:39::567][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Bing Travel
[20:52:40::535][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Bing Travel
[20:52:40::588][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3031 | | Skype Metro App
[20:52:41::108][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3031 | | Skype Metro App
[20:52:41::698][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | Adobe Photoshop CS6
[20:52:41::813][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | Adobe Photoshop CS6
[20:52:42::298][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | IsoBuster
[20:52:47::218][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | IsoBuster
[20:52:53::105][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | MS Office Picture Manager
[20:52:58::231][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | MS Office Picture Manager
[20:53:01::158][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | MS OneDrive
[20:53:03::358][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | MS OneDrive
[20:53:03::491][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | Office 2010
[20:53:10::371][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | Office 2010
[20:53:10::371][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3021 | | Office 2013
[20:53:13::328][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3021 | | Office 2013
[20:53:16::491][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3022 | | FileZilla
[20:53:29::870][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3022 | | FileZilla
[20:53:29::902][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3022 | | Freemake Video Downloader
[20:53:31::675][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3022 | | Freemake Video Downloader
[20:53:31::676][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Adobe Flash Player
[20:53:53::676][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Adobe Flash Player
[20:53:53::676][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Freemake Audio Converter
[20:53:58::327][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Freemake Audio Converter
[20:53:58::327][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Microsoft Silverlight
[20:54:00::040][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Microsoft Silverlight
[20:54:00::050][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Paint Shop Pro 7.0
[20:54:00::083][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Paint Shop Pro 7.0
[20:54:00::083][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Steam
[20:54:01::243][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Steam
[20:54:01::243][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | VLC Media Player
[20:54:01::314][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | VLC Media Player
[20:54:01::314][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Winamp
[20:54:02::388][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Winamp
[20:54:02::388][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Windows Media Center
[20:54:15::294][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Windows Media Center
[20:54:15::294][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3023 | | Windows Media Player
[20:54:33::386][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3023 | | Windows Media Player
[20:54:33::386][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | 7-Zip
[20:54:33::644][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | 7-Zip
[20:54:33::644][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | Adobe Air
[20:54:33::647][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | Adobe Air
[20:54:33::648][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | Avast! Antivirus 6
[20:54:33::676][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\aswAr.log
[20:54:33::676][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\autosandbox.log
[20:54:33::677][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\BugReport.log
[20:54:33::677][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\EventLog.log
[20:54:33::701][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\HtmlRemoteContent.log
[20:54:33::722][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\Instup.log
[20:54:33::740][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\Mail.log
[20:54:33::761][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\StreamingUpdate.log
[20:54:33::763][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\log\UITracking.log
[20:54:33::763][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | Avast! Antivirus 6
[20:54:33::763][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | Avast! Antivirus 8
[20:54:33::765][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | Avast! Antivirus 8
[20:54:33::843][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | Daemon Tools
[20:54:33::873][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | Daemon Tools
[20:54:33::873][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | NVIDIA Install Files
[20:54:33::879][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | NVIDIA Install Files
[20:54:33::879][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3024 | | Windows Defender
[20:54:49::536][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3024 | | Windows Defender
[20:54:49::537][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3025 | | MS Management Console
[20:54:49::537][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3025 | | MS Management Console
[20:54:49::537][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3025 | | MS Paint
[20:55:00::037][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3025 | | MS Paint
[20:55:01::610][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3025 | | MS Search
[20:55:02::652][DEBUG] C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\edb02168.log
[21:03:14::156][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3025 | | MS Search
[21:03:14::156][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3025 | | RegEdit
[21:03:15::101][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3025 | | RegEdit
[21:03:15::101][INFO ] OnRuleStarted | 3025 | | Remote Desktop
[21:03:15::145][INFO ] OnRuleFinished | 3025 | | Remote Desktop
[21:03:15::182][INFO ] OnCompleted
[21:03:15::182][INFO ] Leaving Analysis
[21:03:39::180][DEBUG] Analysis Complete - (2071.659 secs)
[21:03:39::180][DEBUG] 187.7 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)
[21:03:39::180][DEBUG] Analysis Complete - (2071.659 secs)
[21:03:39::180][DEBUG] 187.7 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)
[21:03:48::693][INFO ] Closing application…
[21:03:48::697][DEBUG] Cleaner - Initializing Stop request…
[21:03:48::697][DEBUG] Cleaner - Finished Stop request

I'm fine with regedit

I'm going to probably throw a couple of these out as I find them but let's start here.

Try unchecking Windows log files; the first hang I see is a 7 minute stick between filterlist.log and MpCmdRun.log

Edit 1 and another 10 min in the same category between the last webcache log and ngen.log

Edit 2 also uncheck ms search as that is the final stick at 8 min

Everything else, to me (only a fellow user not an official debugger), looks relatively correct amount of time