Everytime I use CCleaner, when I go to a flash website it tells me to reinstall the flash player. I get the following Registry error in CCleaner which assume I should fix: Problem: Mussing MUI Reference Data: C:\windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\Flashu~2.exe
Registry Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache.
I have a feeling fixing this in CCleaner is causing the flash player to say its not installed when I go to a flash website. I have to then run the flash uninstaller and reinstall flash to get it working. Can someone please fix this? Thanks.
I just ran across your thread today, Feb. 6th. You may have given up in receiving a reply.
I have been having the same problem with some registry cleaners uninstalling Adobe
Flash Player. CCleaner's registry cleaner will uninstall Adobe Flash Player if you don't
uncheck the item "Missing MUI Reference...C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash|FLASHU~2.EXE" before CCleaner's registry cleaner does its final cleaning
of the registry.
I also checked some other registry cleaners to see what effect they had on Adobe Flash
Player. RegCure uninstalled Adobe Flash Player also. Registry Mechanic, Registry First Aid,
and Advanced Windows Care V2 all left Adobe Flash Player Installed.
I hope someone from CCleaner reads this and can adjust their software so the Registry
Cleaner doesn't uninstall Adobe Flash Player.