I've done some testing and it seems that any computer with Vista 64bit installed will have CHKDSK errors after running CCleaner. It may happen on other OSes too.
I've reformated my computer 3 times, installed all my programs, updated windows, etc. Then I run CHKDSK - No errors. Then I install CCleaner, and run it on default settings (Registry & Temp Files) and run CHKDSK again... Errors detected with the file system. I press Y to attempt to fix them, but it can't. I've even setup CHKDSK to run before windows on startup.. It goes through the process, fixes all errors (or so it says) and then when I get back into windows it says the errors are still there.
I'm to the point where I don't want to use CCleaner. I have no clue what errors it is causing with the file system, but any are not good. This should really be looked into.
Heres my post on another forum from a few months back... This is still happening on the latest version of CCleaner (v2.11)
We are unable to replicate this issue on any of our test machines. So it's likely to be a hardware issue with the disk.
CC only uses standard Windows APIs to communicate with the disk, so any problems that chkdsk shows are likely
to be highlighted by CC rather than caused.
Thanks for you reply. This got me thinking. Are you able to setup up a raid 0 system to test on?
I have 2x 150GB raptors in raid 0. Perhaps CCleaner does not like raid 0.
This is a rather large issue if this is the case, because raid is being more and more mainstream for gamers.
This is definitely not a hardware issue, I never receive any CHKDSK errors, even after having windows installed for weeks. It only happens after I run CCleaner's "Cleaner".
I use SpeedFan to monitor my hard drive performance with its S.M.A.R.T. drive monitoring capability:
If the Raw Read Error Rate or Seek Error Rate is greater than 0 then better get the backups ready.
I don't know if it works on Vista though.
I like its Automatic speed fan control and the Minimize feature to see what is happening inside the system.
All 3 of my hard drives are in healthy condition. I've used windows for a few weeks without running CCleaner - there were never any CHKDSK errors. As soon as I run CCleaner and restart, I get chkdsk errors. This basically proves its software related - Or that CCleaner does not like my hard drive setup which is 2x Drives in Raid 0, and 1x Storage drive outside of the raid.
Also i'd like to say that this is not caused by cleaning registry. It is caused by running the temp file cleaner via CCleaner. I've figured this out on yet another test I did. I have all boxes checked on the cleaner.
The following programs are programs that are detected with CCleaner that I have installed on my computer:
Sun Java
Media Player Classic
Windows Media Player
Windows Defender
MS Paint
MS Word
I'm pretty sure if you setup a computer in Vista 64bit (ultimate) using 2 or more drives in a raid 0 array, install the programs I have listed, check all boxes in the CCleaner, run it, and restart you will get CHKDSK errors. However these errors are not reported if you boot to CHKDSK. You must go to run > cmd > chkdsk.