CCleaner Browser automatically installed and made default?

Well, I updated CCleaner last week, and discovered that the CCleaner browser was installed, and it was also made my default browser. I didn't see any alerts or notifications to that effect when I updated. Is that true, or did I miss something?

I rely on CCleaner to protect me - so this apparent tactic bothers me a lot!

It may be an excellent browser, but the end does not justify the means.

The offered bundle (One of Avast, CC Browser, etc.) should appear on the first screen of the installer at the bottom, but they are small and pre-ticked and many say it is easy to miss them if you are not looking carefully.

Unwanted bundle installs have been a complaint for a number of years, usually from those who simply did not read carefully what was there and see that it was pre-ticked.

(Although there have been a few cases where the offer wasn't shown so that you could untick it but still downloaded anyway, happened to me once).

As a response to the complaints there is a new version of the installer that makes the offers much clearer by putting them on a seperate, second, page with big, clear, 'Accept' and 'Decline' buttons - but it's still being trialed and while some will see it (about 25% of offers) not everyone sees it yet.

I'm not sure when it will become the default offer screen, but it shouldn't be far away now.

PS. CCleaner will not 'Protect' you - It's a junk cleaner not an anti-malware application.

If you need any help with restoring your default browser, or anything else the CCleaner Browser install may have changed (it usually also changes PDF associations and icons), then please ask.

"If you need any help with restoring your default browser, or anything else the CCleaner Browser install may have changed (it usually also changes PDF associations and icons), then please ask."

I am asking. I agree with 'nnord' - I don't like anyone making decisions about the software that I am using. I am pretty sure that I have been using CCleaner (back when it was know as CrapCleaner) and not once did it ever download, install, set as default and then start the sub-routine labeled as the browser. Very upset.

I would like the procedure to neutralize the browser - whether that is a total removal of all the 1's and 0's from my computer's memory or place it in a dungeon, and then brick and concrete the doorway (That way nothing can reference it.).

Thank you.

You have answered a thread from over a year ago.

CCleaner does not just install the browser on it's own, you have to seek it out or accept an offer for it when installing CCleaner.

As said above you can hardly miss the bundled offers these days - they have their own screen with very clear 'Decline' and 'Accept' buttons.

Here is an example showing the AVG offer (I don't have one handy for the CC Browser but it's similar with the two big blue buttons).


So if you have installed the CCleaner Browser without actively seeking it out, then you have accepted it from an offer.

Maybe you just clicked-through without reading what you were clicking?

(There is a very, very, slight possibility that you only saw the two blue buttons without the offer itself. If that is what happened to you they we would be interested to know).

If you have installed it by mistake and don't want to use it then simply ignore it, or uninstall it as you would any other browser or application.

To set which browser is your default browser-

Open the browser that you want to use, go to it's settings, and select 'Set as Default Browser'.

Alternatively open windows Settings, go to Apps>Default apps>Web browser, click on the browser that it shows and you will get a list to pick a different browser from.


To reset any File Associations that may have been changed then you can either right click o a file and change what app that tyoe of file opens with, or go to Settings>Apps>Default apps>"Choose default apps by file type" and set it there.

See this: