CCleaner breaks shut down and boot up

This is what happens after running cleaner.

When I'm done using the computer for the day I shut down the computer.

But the computer takes about 3 - 4 minutes to shut down.

When I try to boot up the computer it goes to a black screen and stays that way.

I then power off the computer using the power button.

After rebooting the computer it boots up normal.

It took me awhile to track this problem down because I could not figure out what was causing it.

Through trial and error the problem only occurred after using ccleaner.

I first downloaded ccleaner onto the computer on 1-22-20.

The current version of ccleaner I'm using is 5.68.7820 (64 bit) CCleaner Free

I'm running windows 10 Pro, version 1909 (64 bit)

I have updated ccleaner many times to newer versions with no change to the problem.

Any help appreciated,

Are you running the registry section? Or does this occur just having ccleaner installed?

Edit: have you tried turning off fastboot, it sounds like something (maybe ccleaner) is stopping the resumption of services that occurs with a shutdown and boot up. More on fastboot here

I'm not running the registry section.

This only occurs when I Analyze and then Run Cleaner.

In the Custom Clean section.

No change when turning off fastboot.

The problem only occurs after I Analyze and then Run Cleaner.

If I don't Analyze and then Run Cleaner, computer shuts down and boots up normal.

Under custom clean have you changed any checkboxes (mostly care about additions verses removals)

No additions to Custom Clean.

The only change is, I removed check mark on "Empty Recycle Bin"

Might be worth running ChkDsk on the drive.

Ran ChkDsk on drive and there was no errors.

Can you check in Windows Updates that it isn't trying to do an update.

I have Windows Updates paused until 8-12-20