CCleaner Applications


I had a similar problem before but resolved.

Now, even though I have deleted registry entries for Opera, it still shows in CCleaner.

Any ideas where some old files may be hiding??

PS. I still have a small issue with Office 2003 showing (using Office 2007 exclusively)



About Office 2003:

Post #4 in this thread (see below) gives a clue which registry entries are created by Office 2003. Then you know what to delete.


About Opera:

1. Doesn't Opera have a de-installation program ?

2. Look in the %appdata% folder(s). (with e.g. ExplorerXP).

Thanks! found and deleted Opera.

Can you resend link for 2003 issues; it did not connect.



Open regedit from Run on the Start menu. Right click HKlocalMachine or HKCurrentUser and choose find, type Opera and check only Keys and click Find next. You repeat finding the same thing with Values or Data only checked on the finding options.

This should be a step in finding undeleted Opera registry entries that are making it appear in CCleaner's module.