I am using CCleaner Pro 5.70.7909 with Windows 10 Pro, Version 1903, OS Build 18362.1082.
I have noticed when I shut down programs such as Steam and Discord from the system tray hidden icons (But not only these programs) that the CCleaner icon disappears and shuts down, this was also happening occasionally in the previous version but seems more frequent in the latest version.
That's an odd one. (Although something nags me that someone else may have reported similar to this a while ago, I'll see if I can find it).
I'm assuming that you have Smart Cleaning enabled, as that is what puts a CCleaner icon in your system tray.
Do you also have 'Close program after a Custom Clean' selected in Options>Advanced?
All I can think of is that what may be happening is:
when you close the other programs they create log and/or temp files, and that ocasionally reaches the Smart Cleaning trigger and runs a clean; and then following that clean CCleaner is closing altogether so it's icon also disappears from the tray.
It shouldn't do that (Smart Cleaning should stay running in the background) and it would indeed be a bug, but as I say it's all I can think of at the moment from what you describe.
It may be that the two options, Smart Cleaning and Close after a Custom Clean, are (or have become) imcompatible with each other.
If that is the case then unticking 'Close program after a custom clean' should stop it happening, but it would be good to know if that is indeed the cause so that we can flag it up as a bug to be looked at by the developers.
Bugs that happen only ocassionally and/or only for some users are always the hardest to track down.
PS. If this is indeed the cause then the frequency with which it would happen would depend on how many GB the 'If cleaning saves more than' is set to in Smart Cleaning.
Yes I have smart cleaning enabled but not the option to close the program after custom clean, as you say it happening only occasionally is like the rattle in your car that always disappears when you take it to be fixed.
For now, I have excluded both Steam and Discord, as the two apps I close regularly from the system tray this may be a good test to check if they are indeed causing the shut down.
I found the old similar report, that was with when Smart Cleaning was automatically cleaning a browser when the browser was closed.
I did some testing at the time and found two things:
Often when Smart Cleaning runs the CCleaner icon gets moved into the System Tray overflow area. (Hidden icons).
Sometimes though the icon dissappeared from the System Tray altogether but Smart Cleaning was still running. (You can still see in Task manager that CCleaner is running as a background process).
I think, but can't be sure, that the second one may be caused by a Windows setting (or even a Windows glitch)?
It may be worth checking Task Manager if/when the icon disappears again for you to see if CCleaner is in fact still running in the background.
In the meantime I'll flag this up with the staff again.
PS. As yours is only the fourth or fifth report of a dissapearing system tray icon, it's probably going to be difficult to track down just what is causing it.
It is interesting that your is when closing apps whereas the others were with closing browsers.
It does seem to be related to Smart Cleaning, pretty obvious as you wouldn't normally have the icon in the system tray otherwise, probably clashing with some other setting in CCleaner or Windows itself.
As everyone has different PC, and CCleaner, setups these clashes are the difficult ones to find.
Thanks for looking into this it's much appreciated, I'm sure I checked task manager in the past but to be honest I can't remember if CCleaner was running or not, I've not had an issue since I whitelisted Steam and Discord as yet but time will tell, I will update this post if whitelisting continues to work as it may give some clue as to what is causing the issue in my case.
Ok it appears that Steam and Discord are not the only thing causing the issue, CCleaner stopped running after I shut Fire Fox down as well, I checked the Task Manager and it had indeed closed the program.
That appears to confirm my thinking that Smart Cleaning is closing itself for some reason after it runs.
It shouldn't do that but should stay running in the background waiting for junk to build up again.
I've flagged it up, and it's over to the devs to work out why it's doing that and fix it.
(I suspect I know what's happening, and if I'm right it should be a fairly simple fix for the next CCleaner update).
As a workaround for now - If/when the icon disappears from the System Tray opening and closing the main CCleaner interface will restore Smart Cleaning in the background, and so restore the tray icon.
You don't have to do anything in CCleaner just open and close it again.
(I can reliably replicate that by exiting the tray icon manually then opening/closing CCleaner to get it back).
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I'm curious if this is happening as a result of CCleaner crashing during the automated cleaning operation.
Whilst that's worth looking at to see if there is a crash log, I would have thought that if Smart Cleaning crashed without cleaning then on relaunch it would immediately run (and crash?) again.
That would only apply to the junk trigger and not to the closing a browser triger, but the junk trigger is what the OP seems to have been reporting at first.
That's an excellent point and something I had not previously considered; it does seem as though if Smart Cleaning crashed without cleaning any 'junk' files whatsoever, and a manual 'junk' file cleaning operation had not been performed afterwards, the same amount (likely more) 'junk' files would still exist, therefore Smart Cleaning would run/crash again immediately upon being relaunched.
The only possible explanation I could provide outside of that would be if a certain amount of junk files were successfully removed via a manual cleaning operation, or via Smart Cleaning before the ‘crash’ had occurred, Smart Cleaning might not automatically run/crash again on relaunch because the threshold configured for the “If cleaning saves more than” setting would no longer be reached/exceeded.
In any situation, we will continue to watch this and investigate as we definitely want Smart Cleaning to work reliably in every situation.
There is that relaunch workaround that I gave above.
But that depends on the user noticing that the tray icon has gone missing and if it's in the hidden/overflow area then who is going to notice it's gone?
Did you see the sugestion I made in the staff area about what may be causing it?
Thanks for sharing that. This crash event occurred in of CCleaner. Do you see any similar events associated with more recent versions of CCleaner - v6.69-v5.71?
Also, has this problem persisted in the new version of CCleaner we released today, v5.72?
If so, would our support team have your permission to contact you directly via email, using your forums account address?
I can confirm that the latest version of CCleaner still shuts down when automatic browser cleaning is enabled, I am happy for support to contact me by email.
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I can confirm that the latest version of CCleaner still shuts down when automatic browser cleaning is enabled, I am happy for support to contact me by email.
Thanks for verifying that. I'll ask our support team to contact you now. They'll send an email from support@ccleaner.com.
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Thanks for verifying that. I'll ask our support team to contact you now. They'll send an email from support@ccleaner.com.
I'm the one who reported that issue since the 1st time of occurrence. till now the issue is still exist ! when you guys will be able to solve it?