Hi folks
Am intermittantly losing saved messages from an internal company newsgroup viewed via MSOutlook. Just wondered whether CC is clearing out the saved postings. Can anyone advise? My current settings are as per attached doc.
Hi folks
Am intermittantly losing saved messages from an internal company newsgroup viewed via MSOutlook. Just wondered whether CC is clearing out the saved postings. Can anyone advise? My current settings are as per attached doc.
welcome to the CC forums tim!
odd, i didnt see anything in that document.
it could be temporary internet files so first, try unchecking that.
then click onto the applications tab and uncheck MSOutlook.
that should do the trick.
Untick Temp Inet files solved the issue (except that I'd really like to clean the non newsgroup temp files ?).
As a matter of interest "MSOutlook" not listed as a separate entry under Applications (as many other apps on the computer also not listed )- is that because I would have to configure which apps are cleaned, or because CC only looks for certain apps at the moment.
PS apologies if I'm asking all the old ones - have to admit I didn't do the read the FAQs thing
Just wanted to point out, in case you weren't aware, that Mozilla Thunderbird handles Newsgroups too, and is much more safe/secure than Microsoft Outlook which is a favourite target among virus and worms writers due to its poor security.
look in MSOutlook and see in the options if its possible to change where the saved emails are stored.
glad that worked out for ya
im not sure why its not listed or even if its listed on anyone elses because i dont use it.