Very much enjoying CC, but I need to fine-tune it a bit. I find that it is deleting the most recently used file menu list in MS Word and Excel '03. Also, it nukes the system's memory of the window size/position of MS Word, but not Excel.
Under options, I have Recent Documents and Other Explorer MRUs unchecked. I have no Advanced options checked.
Under Applications, I have Office '03 unchecked, but MS Office picture manager checked (don't even know what that program is).
Under Registry, I have only MUI cache and Start Menu ordering unchecked.
Removed previous comment, should've read the whole post.
You'll need to input registry exclusions then since unticking Office doesn't work which is strange:
1. Start CCleaner
2. Click Options->Exclude
3. Click Add Registry
4. Select HKCU from the drop down box and input this: Software\Microsoft\Office
5. Click Add Registry
6. Select HKLM from the drop down box and input this: Software\Microsoft\Office
Now CCleaner won't be able to remove anything from the Office registry settings, if that's where it's removing them from.
If you're using the winapp2.ini addon which would be in the CCleaner program folder you may need to browse through it and remove any additional Office cleaners.
Really appreciate you guys' input. I learned here that there are addins I might be interested in, and that Analyse is a good diagnostic tool.
As for the problem, I'm not sure where it stands. I just ran the file clean up, and it had no effect on Word's either MRU files or window position. Then I ran registry clean up and it also had no effect. So at this point the problem's not repeating.
So how did I go down to no MRU files and a forgotten window position yesterday? I have no idea. But I'll keep on watching, and if I learn something I'll post back here. And I'll take a look at what addins are available.