CCleaner and cookies

On my PC, CC-->Options-->Cookies shows >100 items, but I find no way to delete them. Please tell me how to do this.

Internet Explorer - Cookies

Firefox/Mozilla - Cookies

Google Chrome - Cookies

Opera - Cookies

Safari - Cookies

Multimedia - Adobe Flash Player

Sorry, Winapp but this makes no sense to me. I do know how to delete cookies from my PC, but NOT how to delete those shown in CC-->Options-->Cookies.

It's part of the cleaning options in the cleaner interface. :)

Sorry, Winapp but this makes no sense to me. I do know how to delete cookies from my PC, but NOT how to delete those shown in CC-->Options-->Cookies.

You do NOT delete them You control them by shifting with the buttons between the columns of cookies to delete (which EVENTUAL will go when Cleaned)

and Cookies to Keep which will remain protected from cleaning until you shift them left.

Woukld you care to elucidate to this poor newbie...exactly where do I go to accomplish this? I can delete the cookies from tje 'Windows' dropdown, but not those shown in the 'Options' area...please stick to THIS topic, to earn my appreciation.

I cannot make it simpler.

Perhaps you are looking at something that is not present on my system

I suggest you take a screen shot of these cookies you wish to delete and post this so we can see what you are looking at.

Thanks guys...found my answer in a previous post. Had to check 'flash' in 'applications' and delete from there...all gone now. Sometimes a newbie 'cannot see the forest for the trees' unless the oak is pointed out to him. :rolleyes: