The best way I can describe the CCleaner scanning "problem" is in the three screenshots that are attached. Running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - 21H2-19044.1348. CCleaner Version 5.87.9306 64 bit.
This "problem" has been going on for several months now which of course means that it affected earlier versions of Windows 10 as well as CCleaner.
"Problem" might be too strong of a word. It's actually more of an annoyance. First World problems ;)
Any assistance you can offer is much appreciated.
P.S. The three screenshots are a bit out of order. The correct sequence is Screenshot 1, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 2.
As Nergal has said those CCleaner messages, in the boxes, indicate that something in the browser, or related to the browser, is still running after you have closed it.
The odd one there is the particular notification about Adblock Plus, it's in the bottom right and looks like a notification from Windows not CCleaner.
I don't use Edge here (I use Firefox, and do have Adblock Plus) but it looks like Adblock Plus for Edge is continuing to run after you close Edge.
You tell CCleaner to force it to close, and so you are then getting that message from Windows.
About all I can suggest is that you check the settings in your Adblock Plus, or even remove it and reload it.
Something else to consider is what amount of time has passed before attempting to clean with CCleaner.
I can remember in the past that Firefox would take some time to fully close on old hardware and attempting to use CCleaner would always be met with an error/warning dialog, whereas waiting 30 seconds or longer would avoid such error/warning dialogs.
Thanks for the reply. I uninstalled (actually removed) AdBlock Plus from Edge, rebooted, then installed (added) AdBlock Plus back to Edge. No change. I still get the pop-up dialog box that I uploaded in my initial post.
Because of what you posted regarding the amount of time between running CCleaner and closing Edge I decided to wait 10 minutes. No joy :( The "problem" still exists. Next stop: The link you provided that includes a potential fix. I'll report back.
I have noticed a few users having similar issues with Chrome and Chromium based browsers this last week or so, but it's not happening for everyone.
Whether that's down to something changing in the browsers, or in CCleaner itself, I don't know.
I would have thought that if it was CCleaner then it would be affecting everyone using Chrome/Chromium and not just a few, so I suspect that it's something in the browsers that has changed if you have certain browser settings.
I appreciate your input. I tried a lot of potential solutions to this anomoly but still no joy. Quite frankly, it's just a minor annoyance which I presumed would have a quick fix. Alas, not. ;)
Well I suppose the quick fix would be to use a different adblocker, or a different browser?
As nobody else is reporting this particular issue it seem specific to your machine, so you might want to consider the next step of repairing/reinstalling your Edge.
You can download a fresh copy to install from here: <a href="" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow"></a>
You should install over the top of the existing one, ie. no need to uninstall first.
Doing it that way your browsing history, cookies, and settings will be restored once you complete the reinstall process. So, you can reinstall Edge without losing data.
What you suggest is certainly a potential solution. That said, this "problem" occurs on three separate PCs, two of which are running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. The other is Windows 7 Pro 32 bit which I rarely use. In fact the Windows 7 PC is about to be dropped off at the recycling center. What all three have in common is that they are running Microsoft Edge.
First off, my apologies for not getting back to you sooner. I turned off Startup Boost and that fixed the problem. I really appreciate your assistance.