I have been having issues registering the past few releases of CCleaner. I even bought a second license thinking my license was out of date. I an using ZoneAlarm as a firewall and have granted CCleaner.exe full access to the internet, as well as running CCleaner as administrator. I have copied the license key, as well as my registered name, directly from the order/license confirmation e-mail, without any extra spaces.
The error I am receiving is:
*CCleaner Activation-ERROR4
*The key you have entered is invalid. Please enter your key again, including dashes (-), numbers and letters. You may find it easier to copy and paste the key from your purchase confirmation email into the box.
Thank you for your time and assistance resolving this problem.
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I even bought a second license thinking my license was out of date
BTW, if the old licence was not out of date, and you now have two licences covering more computers than you actually have, be sure to ask the folks in customer support for a "licence merge" (ie: add whatever remaining time was on your old licence to your new one).
Hi I bought a Pro key and when I try to activate I get this error4 too
I also run CCleaner as administrator and copied the license key and my registered name directly from the order/license confirmation e-mail without any extra spaces.
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What is ERROR4??
Why no one has a fix and why Support doesn't answer since 3 Days? I paid for this pro key and I can't activate it!!
tjis is the user's forum (though ccleaner has employees who try to help out here) and not support. If you are having trouble with license issues you should email support@ccleaner.com
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tjis is the user's forum (though ccleaner has employees who try to help out here) and not support. If you are having trouble with license issues you should email support@ccleaner.com
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support doesn't answer since 3 Days
@ma14: As of Monday morning, there were no unanswered support tickets from the weekend or before. Do you have a support ticket number that I can check for you?
@ma14: I was able to locate your support ticket. You contacted support at 01:39 on Saturday morning and Raymond responded shortly thereafter at 05:06 to ask you for some additional information, since there is no record of you having purchased that licence key from us using that email address. There does not seem to have been any reply from you since then.
It looks like you may have purchased this licence from a reseller. Did you receive any instructions from them when you purchased it?
I am still unable to register the latest CCleaner ( I have installed and successfully registered version Apparently, Piriform has changed the registering mechanics of CCleaner. I contacted CCleaner tech support, a while ago, and made a service ticket. After several e-mails back and forth, it became apparent that the people who address the service tickets do not understand the concept of firewalls and are incapable of knowing what files CCleaner uses to register.
I am now getting an 0X4 error (The system cannot open the file). I will make a new service ticket and hope that the people now servicing these tickets are a bit more capable and knowledgeable. But, I will not hold my breath.
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You have not answered the question from <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/84188-dave-ccleaner/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="84188" href="<___base_url___>/profile/84188-dave-ccleaner/" id="ips_uid_7752_7" rel="">@Dave CCleaner</a> about where you purchased CCleaner?
...and a rather important question it is too. If you bought your copy of CCleaner at a suspiciously low price on eBay then you are probably going to continue to have a bad time.