Hello, my Windows Event Wiever is full of those errors. Win 7 64bit:
Event ID 1000 Application error:
Název chybující aplikace: CCleaner64.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x5fa3260a
Název chybujícího modulu: CCleaner64.exe, verze:, časové razítko: 0x5fa3260a
Kód výjimky: 0xc0000005
Posun chyby: 0x0000000000d68283
ID chybujícího procesu: 0xd24
Čas spuštění chybující aplikace: 0x01d6b6ac8bf060b1
Cesta k chybující aplikaci: C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe
Cesta k chybujícímu modulu: C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe
ID zprávy: d3f27b1e-229f-11eb-a8da-40167ea966e2
There is something wrong with „Smart Cleaning“ in options. It can’t be deactivated. Closing Ccleaner in the taskbar throws this error in Win event viewer.
I just found one thing. Anytime i check for updates, it causes those error. But i have too much errors in Windows Event Viewer so it cannot be only one thing which trigger those errors.
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Here too.
There is something wrong with „Smart Cleaning“ in options. It can’t be deactivated. Closing Ccleaner in the taskbar throws this error in Win event viewer.
@balloon66: To confirm, did you mean to include an error message, or are you saying that you received the same error as TheOwner?
I just tried this myself to deactivate Smart Cleaning on CCleaner Professional and it seemed to work as intended. When I disabled Smart Cleaning it popped up with the usual "are you sure" box, I confirmed and everything was unchecked on the Options > Smart Cleaning screen. When I closed CCleaner it disappeared from the task bar as would be expected if Smart Cleaning is switched off. When I restarted CCleaner and reopened Options > Smart Cleaning the options all remained unchecked as per the screenshot below.
I tried this with an active licence that expires December 2020 and also a "legacy" licence (ie: it shows an expiry date in 2014 and is "Expired" but remains active) with the same experience for both. Although it did toggle Smart Cleaning back on when I reset and changed accounts, it seemed to stick properly for each specific account.
Not sure what could be causing this experience for you, so please bear with us as we try to pinpoint what might be causing this:
Is your copy of CCleaner showing itself as CCleaner Free or CCleaner Professional in the top left corner?
If it is showing as CCleaner Professional, when you go to Options > About > License Information is it showing your current licence key as active and unexpired?
If it is expired, what year does it show as the expiry year? 2012-2018? 2019-2020? Or 2000 (meaning that the licence was disabled)
Have you changed licence key recently? Does this failure to deactivate happen more than once, or just the one time and it works on subsequent occasions?
According to another post, disabling the Smart Cleaning option while also disabling the new Auto Update feature will resolve it for now, until it is patched soon.
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According to another post, disabling the Smart Cleaning option while also disabling the new Auto Update feature will resolve it for now, until it is patched soon.
Indeed, we have confirmed this to be a bug, and we're working on a patch release at the moment to fix this. We hope to have this out in a couple of days and apologise for the inconvenience in the interim.
In the meantime, to make deactivating Smart Cleaning stick, the work-around is:
Unchecking all of the boxes on theOptions > Smart Cleaningscreen in CCleaner (going from top to bottom, as the "Enable Smart Cleaning" is greyed out if "Tell me when there are junk files to clean" is checked); and
There seems to be another problem that dates back to the previous version of CCleaner. When you check enable UAC in settings and then try to uncheck it there's an error box that pops up.
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There seems to be another problem that dates back to the previous version of CCleaner. When you check enable UAC in settings and then try to uncheck it there's an error box that pops up.
It's another small bug that is due to be fixed. It isn't affecting the running of CCleaner just the UAC skipping.
If it's bugging you then you can easily cure it for yourself by following the 4 simple steps quoted in this post. (You may have to do this after each CCleaner update until the permanent fix is rolled out).
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It's another small bug that is due to be fixed. It isn't affecting the running of CCleaner just the UAC skipping.
If it's bugging you then you can easily cure it for yourself by following the 4 simple steps quoted in this post. (You may have to do this after each CCleaner update until the permanent fix is rolled out).
<iframe allowfullscreen="" data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedauthorid="90840" data-embedcontent="" data-embedid="embed921592455" scrolling="no" src="<___base_url___>/topic/59434-cannot-find-the-path-and-permission-error-in-ccleaner-573xxxx/?tab=comments&do=embed&comment=324581&embedComment=324581&embedDo=findComment#comment-324581" style="height:334px;max-width:502px;"></iframe>