Can't update to newest CCleaner version. getting error: 'Installer integrity check has failed.' Please help. Thank you.
1 hour ago, lvsunz37 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Can't update to newest CCleaner version. getting error: 'Installer integrity check has failed.' Please help. Thank you. </p> </div>
Sounds like an incomplete download? Is this from an automatic update, or off the website?
Have you retried ?
Failing that, can you confirm Windows version and build, and any AV or firewall software that you may be using?
Whilst there may be other reasons for that error, (incomplete download, damaged media), that error is often a signing/certification glitch.
It can take some Antivirus and other protection products a bit of time to get theirpermissions updated with the new version.
(And it seems to take some of them a bit longer in these days of Covid and working from home, CCleaner v5.68 had that issue with certain AV's taking time to update and allow it to install).
Which antivirus are you using?
And which Windows version?
You could try downloading again just in case it was an incomplete download.
Download either the Standard installer or Slim (no offers) installer from here: <a href="" rel="external"></a>
(EDIT- Posted at the same time as Dave).
Running Win 10 Pro 64 bit under 1909.18363.900. Using Bitdefender AVPlus 2020. Have installed previous CCleaner versions in same environment with no problems. Tried Slim. tried running as Admin- same problems. Thanks for your help.
More info.: turned off Bit defender & Windows Defender- still same problem. Also downloaded CCleaner Pro- install gave same problem.
As you have downloaded more than one installer then that would seem to rule out any problem with it being an incomplete download.
Turning the AV's off would rule out their interfering.
The next thing I would try is to boot into Safe Mode and see if CCleaner will install from there. (Or Safe Mode with Networking to do a fresh download).
If that still doesn't work (or even if it does) then you may have a media error. (Corrupt entries in the MFT?, Bad sectors on the disk?)
In which case running chkdsk will find and fix any problems with the file system and/or disc.
Use it from the command prompt to automaticaly fix errors file system errors in Windows 10 (/f), and to scan for bad sectors (/r).
It's not a bad idea to run chkdsk every couple of months or so as general maintenance, even if you are not experiencing any issues.
If you are unfamiliar with using chkdsk then this tell you what you need to know, (the link says Vista but it's been updated), scroll down for how to use it from a command prompt.
As a test I just reinstalled 5.68.7120- Bit defender and Windows Defender were active- installed OK, no problems. Seems to definitely point to installer problem.
Thanks for the update.
It's an odd one, many including myself have had no problem installing 5.69.
But Personal Computers are Personal so everybody has something slightly different inside that plastic case, and then has different OS versions, settings, and software.
I'm not sure what else to say other than if 5.68 is working for you then stick with that for now?
Did you run chkdsk just to check for errors?
Also try a Restart of the machine.
Just an idea from another post where Hazelnut was helping - try disconnecting from the internet and then installing v5.69 without any internet connection, then connect to the net again.
Very odd experience: I rebooted to Safe Mode- downloaded CCleaner from site (it was previous version I downloaded again and got, tried to run as Admin. and no Admin., got error 'Installer integrity check has failed.'- downloaded again & got, run as Admin. and it installed! Been in computer business for 40+ years and never encountered one as bizarre as this one. CCleaner tech support should definitely investigate. Thanks to everyone for help.
3 hours ago, lvsunz37 said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> downloaded CCleaner <strong>from site</strong> (it was previous version I downloaded again and got, </p> </div>
Yes that's odd - which site?
If it's Piriform then if you could give the full pathname that may help, there is more than one 'official' path to the downloads.
(Which is we tend to point people to the builds page so that we know we are all using the same thing).
From this site:
Dunno why that happened then,
Regulars here tend to use the 'Builds' page for downloads, and usually use the Slim installer rather than the Standard installer.
(It installs the same CCleaner but there's no bundled offers in the Slim installer).
Thanks nukecad- I'll start using that site.