CCLEANER 5.51 6939 does not clean Win10 v1809 SYSTEM event log


I recently update from Windows 10 v1803 to Windows 10 October 1809 and I can't clean Windows System event log.

The program clean apps and other logs in windows event viewer but system log clean is not working.

I installed some lower older version to try but not working too. Seems to be a problem with the latest microsoft update or anything similar. I don't know.

Thanks and sorry my english.


I test 5.52 6967 and same failure.

Can't clean windows system event logs in Windows 10 v1809 x64 Spanish edition.

Nobody can help me?

It Is a known bug?


I'm on Win 10 1809 (En), and CCleaner 5.51.6939 (64-bit)

If I right click > Analyse 'Windows Event Logs' in CCleaner nothing is found to clean.

I suspect that it's because the logs are still open while Windows is running.

CCleaner cannot delete files that are open.

(There again it may just be that 1809 does not allow their clearing except through Event Viewer)

Maybe using the 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts' option would clear the existing event logs, but I'm not sure?

(I'm thinking of the 'Boot Time Defrag' with Defraggler that defrags Windows system files before Windows is loaded into memory).

The cleaning of 'Windows Event Logs' is not mentioned in the documentation.

Starting with CCleaner 5.47.6716, every version has been partially broken by Windows 10 1809. I posted the following in October and in the thread, Piriform said they were working on a fix. It still hasn't happened. And yes, it does not clean the event log.

Thanks for responses.

It only cleans some event logs. I remember that cleans correctly the app EVENTLOG, but security, installation and system logs aren't cleaned.

I guess we'll have to wait

I hope they fix it soon, but they does not answer to this post :(


CCleaner also used to clean the Windows 10 Reliability Monitor. That stopped as well when 1809 came out. May as well wait. In a few months there'll be another Windows 10 Feature Update to mess everything up.

To me the info given in the Reliability Monitor is extremely helpful at times and I would never want it cleaned.

(To open the monitor click start and immediately type Reliability Monitor and click on it )


Is this problem solved in newer vesions of CCLEANER or is a Windows bug?


7 minutes ago, SPTR said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">

		Is this problem solved in newer vesions of CCLEANER or is a Windows bug?


Still no fix from Avast/Piriform as far as 1809 goes.

When is estimated to be resolved?

2 minutes ago, SPTR said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		When is estimated to be resolved?

Only Avast/Piriform can answer that. The company was made aware last October.

I still stick to my desire NOT to have Reliability History or Event Viewer logs cleared by CCleaner.

3 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I still stick to my desire NOT to have Reliability History or Event Viewer logs  cleared by CCleaner.

@hazelnut-- I do agree with you -- just answering a question posed by the original poster. But, I think the underlying issue is that what was referenced by the OP used to work, no longer works and hasn't worked since last October and Piriform promised a fix. That's in the thread I linked to above in the fourth post. One should not promise what can't (or won't) be delivered.

How to disable pre-launching and pre-loading so CCleaner can fully clean Edge

This solution:

...does not work!

In Windows 10 Home Edition, there is no possibility to activate the Group Policies and it also does not work via Windows registry ...

Please help..! Thanks

@Dracman -- As I have Windows 10 Home, GP is out and I will not go to the registry. What I've been doing is cleaning Edge from within the browser (settings>privacy & security>browsing data). When I run CCleaner, I'll get the pop-up to close Edge, do that, and then CCleaner will skip some items. I can live with it. Piriform has to come up with the solution -- if there is going to be one. Also note -- some posters have reported that opening and then closing Edge has occasionally worked better for CCleaner. I haven't noticed any difference.

3 hours ago, Dracman said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<strong>How to disable pre-launching and pre-loading so CCleaner can fully clean Edge</strong>

		This solution:

		<a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

		...<strong>does not work!</strong>

Doesn't work because those registry keys do not exist, more than one person has posted about it not working. I'm surprised they haven't fixed those instructions yet.

See if this here works instead (allows you to make a working .REG file):