Hi guys,
I tried to update CC cleaner on my computer and it got stuck during the update so i uninstalled the program downloaded a new copy off your website and when i tried to install it it hangs at after you click the "install" button. It only shows a white box. The steps i have tried to resolve the issue are
1. Go into program files and (86x) Program files and remove any folders there related to CCcleaner.
2. Run Revo (a third party that offers similar services to CCcleaner) and remove any remaining folders
3. Run the program as Administrator and given "everyone" permissions will full access.
4. Run compatibility troubleshooter and run it in windows 7 and windows 8.
5. I have tried rebooting the machine.
6. Updated windows to latest Windows 10 version 1909 and updated all drivers as well.
7. Killing the task from the task manager and trying again (CCcleaner uses 0 resources when "installing")
8. Turned off all antivirus and Windows defender.
I am at a loss on why it is getting stuck. I can only think that maybe there is an issue with the windows updates or there is something going wrong with the registry, however i wanted to wait to see what suggestions you might have before i start monkeying around in the registry. Any help would be appreciated.
Aaron Farley
![why wont it work.PNG]()
What anti virus are you using?
I am using AV Defender.
sorry cant remove the attachment on this reply
Attachment removed, Nukecad - the reply editor is playing up a bit (again).
In Windows go to Settings>Apps and check what you have for this setting:
If like that screenshot you have it set to 'The Microsoft Store only' then you will need to change it to one of the 'Anywhere' options to install anything that has not come from the app store.
The problem may also be because you are trying to run the installer in compitibility mode for an earlier version of Windows, you should also check that to be sure to switch it back to no compatibility mode.
In File Explorer right click on ccsetup565.exe and select Properties from the context menu. Select the Compatibility tab and check that 'Run in compatibility mode for:' is unticked.
We often see this white screen problem if trying to run the Standard installer for newer CC versions on (compatibility with) Win7.
If neither of those needs changing (or changing them still doesn't work) then try downloading and installing the 'Slim' build which does sucessfully install on Win7.
(Technical bit - there are 'offers' in the Standard installer that Win7 can't handle, the Slim installer does not have those offers).
The Slim installer can be found and downloaded from here: