CCC clean up of Files

What are CCC306 windows Explorer recent documents, and what are these files under windows.

This question needs more explaining, I don't understand what you mean.

Traveller may be asking about this.

Windows Explorer files

Recent Documents - This option clears the list Windows Explorer maintains of your most recently-opened files (see, for example, the My Recent Documents item on the Start menu).

Executed portable CCC306/64 in its default settings, in a hurry deleted all files in user/TempInfo folder, about to uninstall 30day trial Acronis doesn't work in Win7/64 after my pic email to Acronis my emails receive Undeliverable Error

That tells me you received notification that an email to Acronis could not be delivered,

and somehow that stopped a free 30 day trial from working on Win7/64,

and you are about to uninstall the free trial.

I do not see how any of that explains what you are referring to by "Explorer recent documents".

Please try to be less concise and more relevant.

Acronis deactivated after last second of 30 day trial:-) I should've been able to recover files,

Thanks to kroozer for helpful comment