CC Tools/Uninstall/Programs Exception Manage Msg c0000013

When selecting Uninstall Program, it lists the programs, then immediately XP displayed:

(X) Exception Manage Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c

Choices: Cancel, Try Again, and Continue. When you Try Again and Continue cause the same exception. Cancel makes it go away.

So I checked the update version. It was 1 back. I updated up to v Same exception.

I prefer not knowing why a exception message pops suddenly that I haven't seen.


Dell Inspiron 6000 - Xp Home SP3. Up to date.

Thanks. flPCtechGuy

Do you have a floppy disk ? (listed as A drive) Or some unused drive letters showing in Disk Management?

I ask because of this

No exceptions now.

I looked at My Computer. No A: but there were D: E: F: G: , USB SanDisk 4 drives, all empty. I disconnected the USB and booted. D: E: F: G: gone. Now CC Uninstall works as it should work.

It's user error. When XP opens files it checks more - than what I'd think it would be superfluous. But it is needed.

You hit it that on the nose, hazelnut. Thanks much. -- flPCtechGuy

Glad to hear it is sorted for you now and of course, welcome to the forum :)