cc runs continuously at 44%, never ending

after switching on my PC it was missing the antivir Icon on the bottom bar and showing traffic to/from internet, after a few minutes I decided to restart and first run antivir update , this was successful, and then ccleaner. the cleaner got ot 44% progress and showed cleaning drwatson log, this went on for several minutes so I cancelled and restarted the cleaner, the same thing happened and after 5 mins it was still at 44% and cleaning drwatson log files. I want to know is this a bug?.

I am going to run chkdsk to see if that helps.

any advice would be welcom.

If you're having Dr. Watson problems, then there might be a reason to it...

Usually, Dr Watson just sits in the depths of Windows doing nothing. It's only when something goes wrong that it makes its presence known. Its a debugging tool.

check this this link out:

It tells you more about Dr Watson. You might get what you want.

Have you looked at the processes in Task Manager ?

Click on the image name so the left column is sorted in name order.

You may find Dumpreg is running, sometimes there are several instance running.

When DumpReg is running the computer no longer belongs to you.

You may need to select Dumpreg and right click and select "End Process", or if obstinate "End Process Tree".


Thanks Ishan Rulz and Alan B, ran CHKDSK it reported 10 lost files reinstated, could not remeber how to open Task Manager hence using CHK DSK, anyway after then running CCleaner, it did finish cleaning DrWatson after 2 0r 3 mins, the thing was , I noticed something uploading in the background, so I waited a while to see if it was an update, but it went on for so long I reset the pc, then thats when CCleaner was seemingly not going to finish, later, as I was shutting down at the end of the day, I found Firefox had uploaded an update, this is probably what it was that caused all my concern, I would love to Have an application/software that would tell me what was uploading if I haven't opened my browser, I have Zone Alarm firewall but it just says,SVCHOST RUNNING, that doesn't tell me anything, any suggestions?.

thanks lads.