CC Reg Cleaner messed PC up

Hey guys. I tried CCleaner to see how well it worked. Everything was fine untill I did the Registry Cleaner.

Mind I just reset my PC within a week, had Avast! and Malwarebytes (Paid Versions) running and working,

had very few programs installed other than some necessary ones and 1-2 games, and CCleaner.

I had run CCleaner and it had been working just fine. ONLY when I ran the Registry Cleaner ON A FRESH PC did it mess my PC up.

I logged off for the night and attempted to log back in this morning, to be given the BSOD. I tried running Windows Diagnostics Tool (built into Win7) and it didn't detect anything. I tried running in Safe Mode. Nothing.

Also mind that I just ran the STANDARD Registry Cleaner (no modified settings). Only modified settings were within CCleaner Optimizer.

I have about 80% of my PC backed up, the rest I didn't have backed up.

When the Reg Cleaner ran, I made sure to back up the registry files, like it promted me to do.

Is there any way I could somehow be able to use CMD or something to run the file and restore my Registry?

Either way, this program is unsafe. Yes, I'm an idiot for running this, but using default settings only ONCE caused my PC to stop working.

Any help I could get is appreciated.

Thanks guys

What do you mean by ''Ccleaner Optimizer'' ?

What error message did the BSOD show?

Do you have a System Repair Disc for Win 7? (if not make one from a friends machine with same version as you e.g Win 7 Home with SP1)

Use it to do a startup repair

"CC Optimizer". Sorry, I meant the Cleaner itself.

I could never get the BSOD error: the BSOD screen flashes on for a split second and then cuts off. When I record, the screen flashes too fast for my iPod to focus on it.

I've used my Win7 disk that I have for my PC and ran a Startup Repair, nothing is detected.

Ok, I just restored my PC using a System Image I had on hand. For now on, I'll have all the Registry options turned off, to prevent accidental use.

Glad to hear you have managed to get your system up and running again, and congratulations on having the foresight to have a system image :)