CC Freezes Windows/CC Update Resets Settings

I'm having a heck of a time. I have this long standing issue that I thought might be helped by updating to the latest CC build and that just made things worse.

OK, first thing. I have CCleaner set to run every night at 2AM. About once a week, I wake to find that my PC is complete frozen and the time in the systray is 2AM (every single time that this freeze occurs) and this has been going on for at least a 6 weeks now. When this occurs, the mouse is displayed as an hourglass and it is animated and is able to be moved but the PC responds to nothing; I cannot selecting anything with mouse or keyboard or initiate a reboot, nothing. Not even a CTRL-ALT-DELETE works. I have to power cycle the PC to get it back to normal, which I HATE to do. I check the Event Viewer and none of the logs show anything happening at or around 2AM that might help me troubleshoot this except that all logs stop capturing data at 2AM. Since CC is the only thing I have running at 2AM (and I've triple checked this), I am left to reason that it is when CC is automatically run that my system freezes. Since it's running automatically, I don't even know at what part of the process it is. And being an intermittent issue makes it even more difficult to tell what is happening. Anyone have any ideas how this problem or at least how I can try to troubleshoot it? Anyone know if there is a way to have CC create a log file so that I can at least find out what CC is doing at the time it freezes the PC?

So, I found today that there is an update to CC. I thought great, I'll update it and maybe that will resolve the issue (updating from 2.28.1091 to 2.301130). I have my settings stored in a ini file. After the upgrade I start CC and all my settings are reset to the default. I restored the CC ini file from backup, turned off the "save settings in ini file" option (to force the settings to be pushed to the registry), then upgraded and my settings were fine. As soon as selected "save settings in ini file" again, it creates the ini file and all my settings are restored to default again. I like having the settings in an ini file to be able to easily back them up (for times like this). So I am staying at 20.28.1091 for now. Anyone else experience this problem. It wouldn't be such a big deal but I have a couple double cookies that I have whitelisted and it would be a major pain to figure out which ones I had whitelisted and then to go and whitelist them all again.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Using Windows XP SP3 32-bit, CCleaner 2.28.1091, very latest (non-beta) builds of IE, Firefox, and Chrome. I have almost all the CC options checked on the Windows and Application tabs, but I do not have Wipe Free Space selected. I also do not have any Custom Files/Folders specified. And there is no corruption in the Recycle Bin that I can see.

My first question would be what happens when you run ccleaner manually rather then from a scheduled time.