CC 4.09 is no longer correctly allowing scripts to identify when CC closes - whether manually or during an AUTO clean operation - I don't know when this behaviour changed.
This is absolutely required for automated scripting, especially for logoff scripts.
2 examples of Windows 7 scripts which are broken by CC
cd "c:\program files\ccleaner"
start /wait ccleaner.exe /auto
rem the next line should only execute after CC completes and closes
echo Finished
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' the next line should only execute after CC completes and closes
WScript.Echo "Finished"
Both of these example logoff scripts are now broken, as they cannot delay the logoff process of the OS, preventing the OS terminating CC before it has a chance to complete the AUTO clean. With CC not allowing scripts to identify when it has completed, any form of automated use of CC within scripts is impossible.
I hope that these example scripts allow you to reproduce and remove this important bug in CC's behaviour.
I was using v4.09.4471 when the same problem occured.
I just upgraded to v4.10.4570 and the same problem still exists ( using WIndows 7 32-bit ).
The script I used :
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"
objShell.Run "CCleaner.exe /AUTO", 7, True
wscript.echo "This should not be executed before CCleaner closed"
CC 4.09 is no longer correctly allowing scripts to identify when CC closes - whether manually or during an AUTO clean operation - I don't know when this behaviour changed.
This is absolutely required for automated scripting, especially for logoff scripts.
2 examples of Windows 7 scripts which are broken by CC
cd "c:\program files\ccleaner"
start /wait ccleaner.exe /auto
rem the next line should only execute after CC completes and closes
echo Finished
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' the next line should only execute after CC completes and closes
WScript.Echo "Finished"
Both of these example logoff scripts are now broken, as they cannot delay the logoff process of the OS, preventing the OS terminating CC before it has a chance to complete the AUTO clean. With CC not allowing scripts to identify when it has completed, any form of automated use of CC within scripts is impossible.
I hope that these example scripts allow you to reproduce and remove this important bug in CC's behaviour.
Many thanks
If 64 bit OS chagne the ccleaner.exe to ccleaner64.exe.