CC Cleaner Stops working at 30 something percent

Calling all admin, moderators and so on. My CC Cleaner stops working at 30 something percent I need help to get this program working properly again.

I am using v4.14.4707 and I use Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer as my browsers. This issue has been going on for atleast 9 months now in previous versions as well. I just want to get the damn thing to work and clean my PC.

Please see attached screenshot that shows the only message for this error.


Do you install new builds of ccleaner 'over the top' ?

If you do, it may be worthwhile uninstalling ccleaner, rebooting, and installing the slim build from here

By the way, do you use Winapp2.ini or any other ccleaner enhancer?

Also try running CC with the PC booted in Safe Mode for if your problem is caused by a background task, that will side-step it and allow it to complete.

Do you install new builds of ccleaner 'over the top' ?

If you do, it may be worthwhile uninstalling ccleaner, rebooting, and installing the slim build from here

By the way, do you use Winapp2.ini or any other ccleaner enhancer?

I tried all of those but it still didn't work

Also try running CC with the PC booted in Safe Mode for if your problem is caused by a background task, that will side-step it and allow it to complete.

Not sure how to do this?

Put your pc into safe mode by pressing the F8 key at boot and then run ccleaner the reboot back into normal mode.

What operating system are you using?

What security software do you have installed?

if you are on Windows 7 or earlier, press F8 like a crazy person as soon as the PC starts up.

there is only a small ('ish) window of opportunity where the F8 key is detected so press that sucker like there is no tomorrow (I exaggerate but you get the picture).

if successful you'll see a menu and Safe Mode will be listed, use the arrow keys to highlight it and press Enter.

Windows will boot, it'll all look 'chunky' but run your CC and see if it completes.

if you are on Windows 8 or above, Safe Mode is a little trickier.

you have to start the PC normally, then click the Start button, type msconfig in the Search box, double click msconfig.exe up the top, go to the Boot tab, and tick Safe boot. Restart the PC, run your CC.

when done you'll have to repeat those steps to untick Safe boot otherwise the Windows won't boot to 'normal mode'.

hope that helps.

Just in case user has Win 8, I personally am not keen on the msconfig way because if something goes wrong you are stuck in a safemode boot loop as you need to get into Windows to reverse it.

I always use Method 2 here if Windows is bootable.

If non bootable then a Win 8 recovery drive (make one now!!)

(Anyway mta we'll see what daninarizona uses after he/she posts back)

This looks like it's crashing because your browsers are not exited before clean, though impossible to tell without a ccleaner debug report. Please run a debug that shows this crash (instructions at the top of the bugs board).

Also exit all browsers open task manager and make sure there are no firefox or chrome background processes. If you find any kill them and then run a clean

I tried all of those but it still didn't work

That was a VERY BAD move.

Pulling a caravan is not going to help a car go faster up a hill.

Similarly when using Winapp2.ini or any other enhancer is only giving CCleaner more work to do.