CC 3.04 not finding cookies in cookies.sqlite in Firefox 4

I've reported other things that latest ver CC 3.04 wasn't finding in Firefox (3.6 or 4).

I noticed it didn't show the cookies.sqlite file on the analysis results.

I intentionally set a PERMANENT cookie, the closed FX. Apparently, only permanent cookies are stored in cookies.sqlite. The session ones in ? sessionstore.js & .bak.

Closed CC & reran analysis. Still didn't find there were cookies in cookies.sqlite. I looked in the file & confirmed there were cookies in it.

My FX profile is in non default location, but this doesn't affect CC from finding all other FX files to erase.

Detecting cookie files is about as basic as it gets, folks. May be time for some new developers at Piriform to check the very most basic functions of a prgm? NO point in using it if it can't detect a big, fat file hiding in plain sight.

Edit: Just d/l CC v3.05 & reran for Firefox 4. 1st time, it didn't mention anything about cookies in the analysis. Closed CC & reopened, re ran analysis for Firefox.

THIS TIME it informed in analysis (detailed form) that it had DELETED cookies from some sites. But, still never mentions cookies.sqlite

This was JUST when running the analysis, not after cleaning. For instance, in analysis rpt, it said (one of several):

"Removed cookie:".... but in reality, it hadn't removed it - yet. Assume ?? it was waiting till actually ran cleaner?? Why would developers choose to have it say, "Removed cookie" in analysis before running cleaner? Very confusing choice of words.

If it wants to call attention to cookies about to be deleted, so can go to options & protect certain ones, saying "removed cookie" isn't a good way to do it.

Sorry, I'll just protect any cookies in a cookie mgr, then put everything I want cleaned in Eraser. That way I'll know it's not missing anything. Too many bugs to count on it.

Try updating to 3.05 :)