Hi, i purchased as part of black friday and am waiting for my cashback. I filled in the online form exactly as it asked. I purchased on 29/11 and redeemed on 29/11 (allowing 24hrs) and i have still recieved nothing. Most people on the forums say the cashback is pretty quick. I have had no email confirmation that the code worked but when i try to use the code again im told it has been used.
How long will the cashback take? Ill be satisfied if i can just be told that it has been done correctly.
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The cashback will be processed as a refund against the purchase of CCleaner Professional/Professional Plus. The Promoter will endeavour to pay within 30 days of successful validation of your claim. Rewards shall be paid in the original purchase currency of the transaction.
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<a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/cashback/terms-and-conditions" rel="external">https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/cashback/terms-and-conditions</a>
Also see here
<a href="<___base_url___>/topic/59560-cashback-claims/?tab=comments#comment-325139" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59560-cashback-claims/?tab=comments#comment-325139</a>
Hi, thanks for your response. Im aware of the terms and conditions. However, i posted because of the second link you shared. It states
"<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#382e23;font-size:14px;">Cashback processing is usually pretty quick if you have paid using a credit card in one of our top currencies (EUR, GBP, USD, etc) since those can be batch processed automatically. Bank transfers and currencies for which we don't have standard price lists (SGD, COP, etc) have to be done by hand and take a bit longer."</span>
I paid with my UK bankcard in GBP and i have still not recieved the refund. Im aware i am still within the 30 days, however it states that "Cashback processing is usually pretty quick..."
Where do i stand after the 30 days expire if i still havent recieved the refund as this will fall right in the christmas period. (27/12/2020)
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Ahem ... we had quite a few more sales than usual during this campaign so I must confess that we are not being as "pretty quick" as usual.
Not signing this in blood at this point, but I would expect that to be through late next week.
Totally understandable. As long as i havent done anything incorrectly im more than happy to wait the full 30days. I feel like ive been heard and that i have something to point to should it take any longer than the stated time.
Update: All claims went to our billing provider for processing about 2 weeks ago. While some had already been paid out over the past week or so, the bulk of them were issued to customers between 17:45 and 23:15 GMT on December 21st (mainly USD and EUR), with a second batch 07:00 to 10:15 GMT this morning (predominantly other currencies - AUD/GBP/PLN/etc). There should be a third batch later today to cover the remainder of the customers who had already completed their cashback claim earlier this month.
So everyone will be in under the "paid within 30 days of claim" window - although we're a bit closer to the deadline this time than we usually like to be.
Note that customers can still make their cashback claims until early January, so anyone who has left it a bit late to claim their cashback can expect their rebate in mid-January.
Update 2: This afternoon's processing batch kicked off at 14:50 GMT (predominantly EUR, RUB, AUD, GBP, CAD, PLN, INR and CHF) and is still running completed at 17:45 GMT. This included the cashback for @Brianfantastic (status list below updated accordingly).
Update 3: At this point ~97% of validated claims have now been paid. The remaining 3% are for purchases made in currencies other than the main 18 used by our customers. Customers who purchased in SGD, HUF, COP, ILS, KRW, RMB, NTD, etc are having their rebates manually processed over the next 24-48 hours.
For those in the thread I took the liberty of checking if you had made your purchase using your registered email and found that 2 of 3 were in yesterday's run (times in GMT):
Dave CCleaner alls good the virus has everyone worried, layoffs unemployment working from home not being paid, utility bills not being posted as a credit it’s all understandable in the mess were all in today. I'm good as of yesterday , credits are being posted .
For the mid-October cashback, for those who had claimed promptly the rebates went out early and were paid November 2 to November 8. For those who claimed later, there was a batch of rebates processed November 20th.
I note that for @Manuel U, although I don't have visibility on your cashback claim date, I can see that the purchase was made on October 21st and the cashback rebate issued on November 8th (07:08 AM UK time). I would suggest checking your credit card statement for the rebate amount in the first instance, and then following up with customer support to see if they can provide you with any additional information if you are unable to locate it.