Care to Offer an Opinion?

Hello everyone.

I am just looking for feedback on a little project I am working on. Its a computer desk with a computer built within. The idea is for rental homes and hotels to have a secure method of housing a computer.

The desk itself can be viewed here:

I appreciate your responses!

I personally think that it is a good idea. so good job there. My only concern would be to have everything accesible for possible upgrades, ie. memory, vid or sound card...ect. :D

nice site also.

is it patented cuz i ll swipe that idea.

is it patented cuz i ll swipe that idea.

Really nice. Don't have to look at the maze of cords, and it is a space saver.


Posts: 1, you registered just to get some website traffic? ;)

There's no such thing as securing a computer from being physically stolen unless of course it's in a hardend government facility.

Well, it can be stolen from a hardened goverment facility too.

But the desk do make it more difficult to steal it. And not only does it protect the computer from being stolen, but also protect it from being tampered with, such as adding a hardware keylogger, opening the case and stealing the CPU, etc. ;)

I think that it is a good desk. :)

It is cool, but can you get at all the parts easily?

I'd find a way to steal it, wouldnt be hard at all. unless he took my idea and jampacked it full of C4.

What about ventilation and methods to prevent dust buildup?

i think it would be much better if a hotel computers worked off a lan but like a different way. to prevent theft they would have everything hidden behind a wall and the cd rom, and floppy would be built in the wall along with the basic jacks. then through a plexiglass window would they have an lcd and they would have speakers into the wall. then if you needed you could go up to teh front desk of the hotel, and right down your name and pick up a mouse and keyboard that would be numbered and you would be given a password to access the network. Thats what im talking bout secure and anti theft.