Capacity of HDD >10TB shown incorrectly in bytes

Capacity of a 14,0TB HDD (12,7TB formatted) not shown correctly in bytes, as in the example attached in v2.22.995 on W7


There's simply a '1' missing from the front of '14' for the capacity.

Speccy is an old programme and when developed multi- TB drives were definitely not the norm.

I guess whoever set the length of that text display field didn't consider then that drives would get above a single digit in TB's

Indeed; but this is about Defraggler, not Speccy.

Oops, my mistake sorry.

Haven't got a clue why my fingers typed that when it's obviously a screenshot of defraggler.

(Maybe because Speccy reports a lot of things wrongly nowadays).

The same comment still applies though, Defraggler has not had an update since May 2018.