Can't view recovered photos.

Hi there. My first time on forum. Today I accidentally deleted my entire Camera folder from my Samsung Galaxy. After some googling I decided to go for recuva.

First signs were promising as I was able to recover most of my deleted pics. I saved them to a folder on the PC hard drive and noticed that there were no "previews" in any of the recovered file icons. On trying to open the jpegs, they wouldn't display.

Further googling indicates that this is not an uncommon issue. So guys, I would appreciate some guidance as to how I can view the files. I've tried copying a file back on to the phone, but result is the same, i.e., I cannot view the file.

Help please!!



Hi Tom, and welcome to the forum.

First of all, what is the relative size of the individual jpgs you've recovered in relation to the usual size of your jpgs?

Do they look right or are they unusually small or even zero byte sized?

Secondly, if the size looks OK try opening them with IrfanView, with which I've had some success opening jpgs which threw up the "No preview available" error.

IrfanView Portable Version: (free)

Hi everybody,

I've also used Recuva to recover deleted pictures. Recovering worked well but I'm not able to open 80% of it. Although these files appear to be of the same size as before, they can't be opened with Irfanview or any other app. Any other ideas?

Unless your situation was exactly the same as the original poster (eg you deleted your entire camera folder from your Samsung Galaxy) it is better to start your own thread.

You're right,

I will since my pictures were recovered from a Olympus SZ-30MR camera.