My sister Running Windows XP SP3 - a Systems Recovery was ran and photos of Europe were lost, very precious. I ran the Recuva program on her PC and recovered 900+ photos. They had to be saved to the same drive they were originally contained on, I missed the part where it was "Highly Reccommended" to save them to a drive other than the one they came from. Some came back as they were, while others just say "no preview available" (as they did while they were being selected in the window before pressing Recovery) and when I click on the standard icon for the picture it opens but again comes to "NO PREVIEW AVAILABLE". The file isn't blank, if I run over the file it shows 1.92kb or 1.67kb so they aren't empty.
Is there a next step or are they gone forever? Can they be deleted again and recovered t o dif drive this time? (I know that is stupid) I'm very desparate here and I hope that someone will be able to point me to something. Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately, not too likely but anything is worth a try once ....
Also even though 1.92kb isn't "empty", that would make up a very very small image so I don't think it was able to recover much usable data.
I moved this thread into the Recuva area of the forums, and deleted your duplicate thread in the Lounge. You only need one thread to ask the same exact question to receive help.
There is no future in 'They had to be saved to the same drive they were originally contained on.' Go and buy a flash drive, 900 pics at 500 or 600 kb is under 512 mb, so any flash will be OK.
Do as absolutely little as you can on the pc. That's booting it up, surfing, emailing and God knows what people get up to. Don't do it (but too late comes to mind). Try running a Recuva deep scan. It will take some time and return a lot of data, but how important are the pics? When you find any pics save them to the flash drive. You're into recovering what you can now.
Yes. deleting the pics again (you mean the recovered pics?) is stupid. Leave them where they are, or copy them to the flash drive. You will gain nothing by deleting them. Don't save anything to cd as you will create more temp files that will overwrite deleted data.
Thanks to the responders. I meant to say 1.92mb not kb so I wanted to clarify. So what now? Running a deep scan won't produce the pics I've already recovered right? I do have a flash drive (didnt have it with me) So Augeas are you saying that the files that have already been recovered have no future? That my only hope is in further recovery? Because I have already ran and recovered the ones she wanted, my question is what can I do to those files that have been recovered? Please clarify - Do I really need to run a Deep Scan? The same files won't be recovered again will they? Please bear with me and be specific as I am far from experienced in this endeavor.
The pics that you have already recovered and are openable and OK are fine, save those to the flash drive for the moment but leave them on the hard disk as well. The pics you have recovered and aren't openable are probably lost, unless someone has an idea for fixing them.
A deep scan might produce further copies of the unopenable pics (and copies of those that are good as well). It's just another chance to recover those lost pics. On the very rare times I have run deep scan I've found that it finds versions of files I've never deleted, presumably from edits, moves, defrags, or other activity. So it's worth the effort to try.
If you do find them then recover to the flash drive until you've come to the end of your pics or patience. Then you can write them to a cd for more permanent backup.
On reflection I think that in any reccovery case it would be a good idea to delete temp internet files immediately from the browser. This might provide a buffer for new files that are inevitably created during the recovery process and avoid overwriting files to be recovered.
The pics you have recovered and aren't openable are probably lost, unless someone has an idea for fixing them.
It usually takes a commercial paid program to make them accessible when they're missing information.
Thanks again to all responders, specifically Augeas, your insight and candor are greatly appreciated. Any further ideas on the specifics of how or what method/software/company can be used to "piece the recoverd files back together" would be greatly appreciated. I will be investigating but I'm sure someone on here has a better idea.