Can't update or download CCleaner

Running CCleaner 5.59.9401 (free) in Win 10 Pro 21H2 (64-bit). Tried to update using the update link in CCleaner to 5.92.9652. I get this error:

0x2f7d  An error occurred in the secure channel support

Went directly to the download page on the website using Firefox 99.0.1. Selected the free version and clicked to download, but I get this error:

An error occurred during a connection to SSL_ERROR_RX_UNEXPECTED_RECORD_TYPE

If I click Try Again, I get this error:

An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.


I only have one add-in installed in Firefox, and disabling the add-in, clearing the browser's cache and cookies gives me the same error messages.

How do I fix this?


EDIT: As a test, I just tried to download Speccy using Firefox but I get the same error messages from the site.


What happens if , as a test, you use Edge to download from here?

Try downloading the slim build (3rd in list on that page)

i downloaded the slim build installer, just now, with no problems, using the firefox browser.

the slim build installer is the one that i always use.

Just tried the same steps.

  1. Opened Firefox 99.0
  2. Went to
  3. Scrolled down to the green "Free Download button"
  4. Which took me to the "Thanks for downloading CCleaner page"
  5. Success!

Then I noted that the reported issue was on FireFox 99.0.1, so upgraded Firefox and went through the same steps with the same successful outcome. Possible temporary issue with the CDN? @1321Hero could I get you to retry now and see if the same thing happens?

Thanks everyone...

Just tried to download the slim build using FF and got the same error message:


I clicked Try again in that error box and it looked like it was going to download and asked me where to save it, but then this popped up:

I don't have another browser on this PC to test. Why can't I even download the update from the Update link in the CCleaner software?


Are you saying you have uninstalled Edge from your Win 10 Pro machine?

It is a good idea to have it in place for when you need another browser.

What else have you done to your machine?

I am unsure what PKiDDiTB.exe is that you are trying to download.

The fact that you are getting different SSL_Errors indicates that something is awry with your security settings.

SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG can be a known issue in Firefox, most of the solutions you see on the web involve disabling some part of your security rather than actually finding out just what is causing it for you.

Things to try:

Check your systems date and time, check you are in the corect time zone. (Seems simple but errors like this can be caused by your CMOS battery being drained or playing up).

Try using a private Window in Firefox. (from the hamburger menu or Ctrl+shift+p)

If you are using other than Windows Defender then try temporarily disabling your Antivirus. (Which antivirus are you using?)

In Firefox Settings>General>Network settings what is your proxy access set to ?

PS. Like Hazelnut I have no idea just what "PKiDDiTB.exe" is, I'd stick with something well know while trying things out.

As you say CCleaner was being blocked then stick with trying to download that while testing.

Date, time and time zone all shown correctly when I open the Win 10 Time & Date screen. I clicked button to synchronize, just to be certain.

No idea what PKiDDiTB.exe is either. That's what the error message said when I tried to download CCleaner from the link provided here. Not trying to test by downloading anything other than CCleaner. Googling for that file name doesn't find a single thing, which is why I posted the screen shot, so you'd see exactly what I saw.

Using Windows Defender. And an on-demand malwarebytes scan found nothing.

FF General>Networking is set to No Proxy

Just tried to download the slim build again in FF from the link posted above, and got another error message, similar to the one I posted above, but with a different file name that couldn't be saved (see below). Are these file names being randomly generated by the server?

Tried to download the slim build again, but this time in a private FF window. It downloaded and I was able to update to v5.92.9652.

So the immediate issue is resolved, but it doesn't explain what causes the failures from the link to check for updates inside CCleaner or when trying to download it manually without using a private FF window.

Thank you!


Good that using a private window let you get CCleaner updated, not so good that you did have to use a private window.

I wouldn't worry too much about those strangely named files.

It's just something that Firefox does when downloading files, it puts some random letters there and the '.part' until the download is complete.

You are seeing them because the download was halted while incomplete.

It's an odd one because normally SSL errors like that indicate someting wrongly configured with the security certificate at the server end - however if that was the case then the rest of us should also be seeing it in Firefox, but we aren't.

Are you seeing any other oddities or is it just this CCleaner (and Speccy) downloading that is playing up for you?

Are you able to download other .exe's from elsewhere?

Just something else I noticed:

You say you have your Firefox proxy setting set to 'No proxy' - Try changing it to 'Use system proxy setting' and see if it will let you do the download then.

'Use system proxy setting' is the default for current Firefox versions.

@nukecad The FF proxy setting was No Proxy when I checked this A.M. and I wouldn't have changed it that way, if the FF default is Use system proxy.

Just changed that to use system proxy setting and was able to download both the latest official and slim builds instantaneously. One caveat is I powered the PC system off when I left my desk for a couple of hours after the failures this A.M., and rebooted again this P.M. and now it worked. I'll leave FF set to use system proxy and monitor things.

Haven't tried to download any .exe files from other sites in recent weeks so don't know if there's something FF on my PC doesn't like about the CCleaner site. I could reset FF or uninstall/reinstall it if the problem recurs.


10 hours ago, 1321Hero said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Just changed that to use system proxy setting and was able to download both the latest official and slim builds instantaneously.

It does look as if that was the issue then, good to see that a simple (eventually) setting change in FFx cured it.