Can't uninstall Kamo.

I don't know how this program got on my computer, but I been trying to uninstall it. It won't uninstall. In CCleaner it says it can't find the required file. Trying to uninstall it through windows it tells me it can't fine the uninstall.exe file. So I thought, let's reinstall the app and try it that way. Well, when I go to install it, it tells me it can't open an exe file. I don't know how this got on here. I didn't install it and I want it off my computer.

Kamo install.jpg

Hey @redmartian50, Is this issue still happening to you now ? If you haven't successfully installed the software you can just delete the Kamo folder from your Program Files address. The setup didn't finish due to that error and so the uninstall exe file hasn't been installed on your device.