Can't disable "Minimize to System Tray"

v. 5.74.8198 (64 bit)

I turned off "Minimize to System Tray".

But, when i close CCleaner, it still minimizes to System Tray.

Any fix?


If you have either, or both, 'Smart Cleaning' or 'Keep CCleaner updated automatically' turned on then they will run a background task and so Windows will put an icon in your System Tray.

If you don't want to see that icon in the tray then you have to turn both of those options off.

If you can't get it to go away with both of those turned off then come back.

I have the same problem. This occurs since the last update. My "Minimize to System Tray" and all "Smart cleaning options" are off but when i close CCleaner, it's still minimized to System Tray.

52 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		If you have either, or both, 'Smart Cleaning' or 'Keep CCleaner updated automatically' turned on then they will run a background task and so Windows will put an icon in your System Tray.

		If you don't want to see that icon in the tray then you have to turn both of those options off.

		If you can't get it to go away with <em>both</em> of those turned off then come back.

ok, i had auto-update turned on. With auto-update turned off, will CCleaner still check for update every time i run it?


2 minutes ago, johnywhy said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		ok, i had auto-update turned on. With auto-update turned off, will CCleaner still check for update every time i run it?

Yes it should still do that.

Leave the other new setting 'Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner' ticked. (That doesn't run a background task so no icon).

1 hour ago, kockarche said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I have the same problem. This occurs since the last update. My "<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#382e23;font-size:14px;">Minimize to System Tray" and all "Smart cleaning options" are off but</span> when i close CCleaner, it's still minimized to System Tray. 

@kockarcheYou also need to turn off 'Keep CCleaner updated automatically' in Options>Update.

That's a new option for users of CCleaner Free (and a change to how it used to work in Pro) and is one of the things that will now put an icon in the System Tray.