Can't delete invalid registry key

Been using CCleaner for years, love it! Recently uninstalled a corrupted MSE program & installed a different antivirus program. Now when I run CCL it shows:

Invalid file reference ImagePath - "c:\program files\microsoft security client\nissrv.exe" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NisSrv

All the rest of MSE is there a way to delete this & stop the error from popping up every time?

Thx, Jim :(

After you scan for reg issues right-click on that item in the list and select add to exclude list.

Registry data in CurrentControlSet can only be removed after manually changing permissions/taking ownership, however if you're not comfortable manually editing the registry Hazelnut's advice of excluding it is the safest recommendation.

Thanks Hazelnut & Andavari! Much appreciate the responses! Have installed & removed many programs over the yrs & used CCL to remove "invalid keys" so it seems odd to me that this one can't be removed. Guess it's another MS thing & is somehow tied to the OS prog. Will exclude it rather than mess w/registry.

Thx again, Jim :wacko: