Windows 11 operating system. I entered my personal info and credit card twice, but no button appeared in the sales tax info window. Restarted CCleaner and same thing happened: No button to click. Please help.
Try temporarily turning off your adblockers, privacy, tracking settings, etc.
In particular you may need to change you browsers own protection from ‘Strict’ to ‘Normal’
Adblockers and browser privacy settings are often the cause of buttons not displaying when expected.
Thanks, nukecad! However, I’m not upgrading on the website, but inside the app. I can try upgrading on the site, but will I need to re-download the app afterwards?
If you buy a licence/subscription on the website you get sent a licence key by email.
Open CCleaner Free and go to Options>Licence Key.
Enter (copy/paste) the key (and registered name if asked) to upgrade the CCleaner Free to CCleaner Pro.
See also:
Ps. One other thought springs to mind - try making sure that your screen resolution is set to the ‘standard’, ‘recommended’ for your computer.
We have seen cases where buttons in the app can get placed outside of their parent window (where they cant be accessed) because of a changed screen resolution.
Thanks, nukecad. Things worked perfectly!