Can't boot after running CCleaner

So after reading an article on must have programs on PCgamer, I downloaded and ran CCleaner's cache cleaner and registry clean up. Computer ran fine afterward but figured I should restart and is gave me a BSOD on restart. I used installation disk and ran startup repair and was able to get logged in again. After next reboot it again gave me a BSOD and now startup repair won't fix it. Tried system restore and that didn't work either. Have run chkdsk and nothing found. Tried running sfc but it says a system repair is in progress and requires a reboot, but after rebooting I get the same message. Any suggestions?

Under Cleaner I left the defaults and clicked Analyze and then Run Cleaner. For Registry I clicked Scan for Issues and then Fix selected issues.

What is your operating system?

What does the BSOD say?

What security type software do you use?

Are you able to do a system restore?

(p.s. don't do any more registry cleans)

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

It restarts too quickly to read the BSOD screen, but at the top is win32k.sis

I'm using Windows Security Essentials

System Restore begins but fails before completing and have tried various restore points

It may sound like an odd thing to try but run the 'startup repair' a couple more times. I have actually had a successful outcome after 3 runs.

If you get back in try not to reboot but look around for clues eg. did you machine do the August Windows Updates?

Also what model is your PC?

to try and see the BSOD, hit the F8 as usual to get the Safe Menu list of options and choose "Disable system restart when error occurs" (or words to that affect - it's like the 2nd or 3rd last one in the list)

It may sound like an odd thing to try but run the 'startup repair' a couple more times. I have actually had a successful outcome after 3 runs.

If you get back in try not to reboot but look around for clues eg. did you machine do the August Windows Updates?

Also what model is your PC?

It's something I've built.

to try and see the BSOD, hit the F8 as usual to get the Safe Menu list of options and choose "Disable system restart when error occurs" (or words to that affect - it's like the 2nd or 3rd last one in the list)

Ok, I'll try that thanks.

I'm having the exact same problem (down to using CCleaner after reading that must-haves article. I ran start-up repair a good number of times, to no avail. Also tried chkdisk, scannow, everything I could think of. Please help, guys! Any way to fix this at all?

what does your BSoD say?

have you restored the reg backup file?

might be worth starting your own thread, as even if the problems are the same, you are at different points in the resolution and it makes the thread messy for the OP, plus we don't know any of your PC stats.

Ok, I'll start a new one then.