Can't access files recovered by recuva.

I accidently deleted my Users file which messed with my a lot so I decided to use Recuva to get it back but i'm not able to access the folder anymore and I need to get something important that was in the users file.

Can you provide any more detail on the issue?

Is the drive that you recovered the file(s) from encrypted via BitLocker or another program? What is the precise error message that you receive when you attempt to access the folder?

If you recover single files instead of attempting to recover the entire folder, are you able to access those files?

No they werent encrypted as said in the post I accidently deleted the folder and I get no error message whenever I try to open it but it has a weird clock on it

34 minutes ago, Walter 214 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		it has a weird clock on it

A clock usually indicates that some process is still pending/running.

One thought - Are you running any automatic backup software?

Some of those will put a little clock on the icon when there is a pending (or running) scheduled backup.

So I'm wondering if a scheduled backup has locked access to the folder while it backs it up, but because you accidentally deleted the folder it is/was unable to start/complete the backup and has frozen?

(In which case you may be able to abort the automatic backup).

Oh damn sorry for the very late response and im pretty sure im not using any other automatic backup software except the default windows one.

and the clock has two arrows on facing the other way on the right top hand corner.

I really need to access this folder because I have literally  53gb files on it that I will never use and its taking up A LOT of space.

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I need to get something important that was in the users file.
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I have literally  53gb files on it that I will never use and its taking up A LOT of space.

Not sure if those two contradict each other. (And things might be easier if you just want to get rid of it altogether).

Your posted link to an image of the icon is a bit small to see, but while I can find plenty of icons of folders with a clock on them I can't find anything that looks just like yours.

There are a couple of Microsoft shortcut icons that are similar with a clock and green arrow, eg


but I can't find one just like yours with the blue arrows at the top right and a progress bar on the right side.

A thought occurs though; you haven't said what Windows version we are talking about here?

And if it's Win 10 then which version/build is it?

It may well be a MS icon, possibly you have a different set of standard MS icons than I have on my computer..

However; the fact that there is a progress bar showing on your icon again makes me think that some process may locking the folder until it has completed, and that process may be stuck.

Try a Restart of your computer (that's a 'Restart' not a 'Shutdown') to see if that frees it up.

If you have Fast Startup enabled then disable it first, it can often get in the way when trying to solve problems: <a href="" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow"></a>

If that doesn't work: Is this is an icon in File Explorer or a Desktop shortcut icon?

If it's a Desktop Icon then it may simply be a broken shortcut link, (quite possible even probable if you deleted the files/folders), try browsing to the Folder in File Explorer and opening it from there.

If you can open it OK from within FE then simply delete the broken Desktop shortcut and make a new one.

Otherwise let's keep looking.

For a File Explorer icon:

If you right click on the icon and select Properties then the 'Sharing' tab does it say it's shared with anything?

Whilst there go to the 'Customise' tab and click on 'Change Icon'; <u>don't change it, dont 'Restore defaults;</u> but see what dll it says the icon coming from. The pathname of the dll could give a clue to what software has put the icon there.

(A 'normal' Microsoft folder icon should say something like "<em>%SystemRoot%\System32\SHELL32.dll</em>")


For a Desktop Icon:

Right click the icon and select Properties, then Shortcut, then 'Change icon'.

The path to the dll in that case should be someting like "<em>C:\WINDOWS\system32\imageres.dll</em>"

In either case let us know what the .dll path is.

Step back a bit here.

'I accidently deleted my Users file' - what file (or folder) is that? I doubt if you could delete c:\Users without serious ramifications. Do you mean a folder within c:\users, or a file somewhere else, or what?

'i'm not able to access the folder anymore' - that's normal when you delete a folder. Do you mean the c:\users folder or the one you deleted or something else? What are you trying to open?

The thread title is 'Can't access files recovered by recuva'. Have you recovered 53 gb to another drive, and is the folder you're trying to open on that drive?

And I meant the entire C:/users folder.

And no it’s still on the same drive that it was deleted on.

And nukecad whenever I deleted the Users file it messed my computer that I couldn't change the background and wasnt able to access the windows icon.

And there is no path for the file as seen in the photo I've linked <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

Fast start is already disabled and did not work.

I have the latest version of windows 10 which is <span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#111111;font-size:18px;text-align:left;">20H2.</span>

And its also both shortcut and file explorer.

When I right click the icon of the users folder on file explorer Sharing doesn't come up.

Quick answer (because I'm on my phone in the pub), but the latest Windows 10 is 21H2. (That's why we ask).

I'll take another look at the rest later.

Oh right yeah I mean 21H2

Are we discussing the use of Recuva, as in the thread title, or the loss of the c:\users file, as the thread contents seem to imply?

Deleting the c:\users file is serious. If that is the case then I suggest that you attempt to get your pc back into working order by following this thread

or by typing in deleted users folder in Google, as it is easier to follow those results than for us to try to plough through the process (but if anyone here wants to try then go ahead).

4 hours ago, Augeas said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Are we discussing the use of Recuva, as in the thread title, or the loss of the c:\users file, as the thread contents seem to imply?

		Deleting the c:\users file is serious. If that is the case then I suggest that you attempt to get your pc back into working order by following this thread

		<a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

		or by typing in <em>deleted users folder</em> in Google, as it is easier to follow those results than for us to try to plough through the process (but if anyone here wants to try then go ahead).

Alright I'll just reset my computer, thanks for the help.

3 hours ago, Walter 214 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Alright I'll just reset my computer, thanks for the help.

A reset/repair of Windows looks like probably the best you can do at this stage.

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		And there is no path for the file as seen in the photo I've linked

That is an odd one - If I deliberately remove the folder a shortcut points to then I can't even open that tab in Properties, I just get an eror message that the folder is no longer there.

The fact that you can open that tab wthout a  path set, (and that your screenshot says the shortcut was created yesterday although you have been talking about it for weeks?), does indicate that something is very messed up.

Sorry we couldn't help get your files back but sometimes that's just the way accidents go.