Cannot Uninstall Google Chrome

The uninstall function does not seem to work in either cc or windows own uninstall, nor does the

uninstall function work from google's own uninstall command

When searching the net, I read heaps of stuff but it gets rather technical.

It seems many are having this problem

Can CC be able to uninstall Google Chrome ?

CCleaner version: 3.28.1913

OS Win XP Pro. Version 2002

Service Pack 3


ccleaner only does the same thing that (add/remove) programs control panel does; they are exactly the same.

Perhaps you could try this

I'll give it a go,


Went through the motions from http://support.googl...n&answer=111899

May not have applied to my pc exactly. But the instructions showed enough stuff to Delete everything and anything that had Google in it. Along the way in some instances Google renames stuff, somewhere I read they do this with each update so to avoid and slip by firewall settings. Myth or not, my computer has a new name now, "snappy" !

It's like everything works much faster, boot up is no longer as if it's dragging a wet blanket.

I don't use IE or Firefox, everything works fine now.

And thanks CCleaner's team.

Glad to hear things worked out for you Pete.

Welcome to the forum by the way :)