When I run the "Run Cleaner", it flashes with the error message "Cannot remove folder Scanners: The Directory is not empty" with the header "Error Deleting file or folder".
I could not find out the directory "scanners" in my hard disk. Only folder i have is at the
c:\program files\Microtek\Scanwizard 5\Scanners"
I have renamed this directory and still I get the error message.
When I run the "Run Cleaner", it flashes with the error message "Cannot remove folder Scanners: The Directory is not empty" with the header "Error Deleting file or folder".
I could not find out the directory "scanners" in my hard disk. Only folder i have is at the
c:\program files\Microtek\Scanwizard 5\Scanners"
I have renamed this directory and still I get the error message.
Try selecting , click the Windows tab, navigate down to Advanced, and uncheck the 'Custom Files and Folders' checkbox.
If this box is already not checked, let me know, and I'll try to think of something else.
Still have the error message. Did the defrag also.
Okay, next suggestion is to click , then click the Applications tab, then uncheck every single box. Then click the 'Run Cleaner' button again, and see if the problem re-occurs.
Since you found a folder named 'Scanners' under 'Program Files', I am hoping that having CCleaner not clean your applications will solve the problem. If the problem stops, start re-checking the listed app's boxes a couple at a time and running the cleaner to narrow it down to which program is the culprit.
If it doesn't work, post here, and I'll try to think of something else.
I narrowed down to the "Empty Recycle Bin" on "System".
I tried to empty the recycle bin from windows, the same error message is displayed. (System indicates that there are 3 files but I could not see them, though i changed the folder option to view hidden and system files.
PS. There are no files in the recycle bin.
Okay, next suggestion is to click , then click the Applications tab, then uncheck every single box. Then click the 'Run Cleaner' button again, and see if the problem re-occurs.
Since you found a folder named 'Scanners' under 'Program Files', I am hoping that having CCleaner not clean your applications will solve the problem. If the problem stops, start re-checking the listed app's boxes a couple at a time and running the cleaner to narrow it down to which program is the culprit.
If it doesn't work, post here, and I'll try to think of something else.
I narrowed down to the "Empty Recycle Bin" on "System".
I tried to empty the recycle bin from windows, the same error message is displayed. (System indicates that there are 3 files but I could not see them, though i changed the folder option to view hidden and system files.
PS. There are no files in the recycle bin.
Hmm... it says there are files but in fact there aren't. That's a weird one. Did you ever delete a folder called 'Scanners', or are you unaware of how it ended up there?
I don't know of any Recycle Bin cleaning apps, although some of the other members on this site might. So for now, my only suggestions are:
1. Make a .txt file (or any type, it doesn't matter) and then delete it. Then try emptying the Recycle Bin. This works for fixing the Recycle Bin icon, which is notorious for showing trash when there is none, so it may fix your problem as well.