Cannot re-activate deactivated startup programs

I used Ccleaner V 2.33.1184 on Windows 2000 Professional.

Cleaning some registry entries works fine.

Deactivating/disabling startup programs also works fine.

But I could only re-activate/enable startup programs within the HKCU-Run key.

(Subsequently or later) enabling startup programs within the HKLM-Run key doesn't work.

A message window opens: "Failed to enable/disable startup item: Access denied"

The acces to the registry will be denied to Ccleaner only.

Writing the entry manually with regedit or other Reg-Software into the HKLM-Run key works.

Ccleaner runs as Administrater.

How can I grant the appropriate access rights to Ccleaner?

I'm using:

- Windows XP Pro SP3

- CCleaner 2.33.1184

This RegKey is used on deactivate StartUp-Entrys by CCleaner:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg

User with Admin-Rigths without Problems

Normal User have NO PERMISSIONS to write or to delete RegKeys in that Section.

CCleaner should use HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg

for normal user to take effect