I installed and ran with the defaults as he comes after downloading. It fixed a bunch of things. When I go to shut down my PC, I click shutdown and nothing happens. I have to physically power off by pushing the power on/off button.
I have tried both of these suggestions... I still have the same problem. All I did was run CCleaner... What did it change/delete? Does it backup before it deletes?
I have not had any problems at all before using the program. I shut down every night before going home by doing a Start> Shutdown > Selecting Shutdown. It has always shut down very quickly. We keep our systems clean of spyware. We use Trend-micro as our anti-Virus product.
After downloding the product I clicked on the icon then selected the "Analyze" button then after it presented me with a bunch of stuff I selected the "Run Cleaner" button. thats it .. nothing else...
When I first brought CCleaner up the Cleaner button was highlighted so I just went with it.. and analyzed it..
When I say restart I mean I clicked on Start > Shutdown > Select Restart (not reboot) then OK.
I am having difficulties to imagine that CCleaner deleted something that now prevents you from shutting down.
It may also help if you open the task manager when shutting down to see which program is not responding
Have you tried this suggestion? Open the Task Manger (Ctrl-Alt-Del) Processes tab. Do your shutdown and watch if it starts ending processes.
When it stops, end all processes, one by one, starting with the user processes. Note each process you end, and when the shutdown finally proceeds (hopefully), then we know which process prevented it.