Cannot Enable Shell Extension

After installing the latest version (205.315) of Defraggler on an XP/SP3 system, I noticed that I

cannot use the shell extension option. Anyone else notice this or know what the problem is?



I don't have this option either, perhaps it's only applicable to then shell extension option enabled by the installer??

Richard S.

I don't have this option either, perhaps it's only applicable to then shell extension option enabled by the installer??

Richard S.

No, I installed with and without the option enabled. No difference.

Anyone else notice this - - - ?

Also crippled on my Vista.

No, I installed with and without the option enabled. No difference.

It looks like a bug then, not sure if this is an XP only issue since I don't have access to Vista / Windows 7.

Richard S.

Windows 7 as well.

I think they turned it off while they work on it. (NOT AN OFFICIAL COMMENT!!! I have no knowledge whether this statement is true or not

Shell extension still not working with the recently released version (206.328). Can someone from development comment on this?


I'm on XP and the option becomes active if you uncheck the "Save all settings to INI file" box.

It seems the option won't work unless it's saved into a registry entry.

EDIT: Just shows the usefulness of a screenshot. :)

I'm on XP and the option becomes active if you uncheck the "Save all settings to INI file" box.

It seems the option won't work unless it's saved into a registry entry.

EDIT: Just shows the usefulness of a screenshot. :)

Thanks that works, although I do not see why ini needs to be off for the shell extension to work. When Defraggler

is installed, it makes certain entries in the registry anyway, so this should not keep the shell extension from working.

ini removes all registry entries made in the install. Ini makes piriform products stealth.

ini removes all registry entries made in the install. Ini makes piriform products stealth.

Sorry to disagree, but with ini on, the installer still adds stuff to the registry. Scan on Piriform

Edit: Wrong reg entries corrected with the correct ones :rolleyes:


@=“DefragglerShellExtension Class”






[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\defraggler.exe]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved]




You've scanned the entries for CCleaner there, not Defraggler. :) Easily done.

Defraggler does have a small number of entries in the Registry, but all program settings are kept together either in the INI or the registry location.

Can the shell extension setting be separated from the other settings and located permanently in the registry, or can Defraggler be made to set the shell extension on/off state from the INI file?

I've no idea. One for the devs.

On a separate note, I think all this toggling on and off has got Defraggler chasing it's own tail because now, whether or not I have the shell extension checked or not, I still have it in the right click menu, and when I use it I get this ...

I think I'll try the support forum.