Hello. I am very new to this and only slightly computer literate. I have the following issue.
My old desktop's (Windows XP) motherboard died. I removed the HDD and attatched it to my laptop (Windows 7) via a SATA to USB 2.0 cable. My laptop reads the HDD and shows the memory about half full but shows no files. I downloaded Recuva to attempt to find these files. The now external HDD is listed under the Z: location. When attempting to use Recuva to access this I have the following issues...
If I ask it to scan the Z: location it states it is an "Invalid drive for scan."
If I ask it to search as a media card or iPod, it states "No drives were scanned,because none matches with the filter."
If I ask it to search the entire computer, it will scan the laptop but no files appear under the Z: location.
Is there a solution to this using Recuva? Is my entire attempt to recover this data flawed? Is there any solution?
I am mostly doing this to attempt to recover music. There is enough there that I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount of money to fix it but I hear trying to get a professional service to recover the data on the old HDD could cost hundreds which is not an option for me.
I will happily supply any specifications that would be needed to help me resolve this. Thank you very much in advance for any and all help in this.