Cannabis goes on legal sale in Colorado

Stores allowed to sell cannabis from 1st January (dubbed green wednesday)

The sale of the drug will be taxed in the same way as alcohol, and state officials have said they expected it to raise millions

I'm not a smoker and when I was I never tried this stuff, but for it's pain relieving properties alone it should be legal.

People who need it will always get it, so why not cut out the black market completely.

I've personally never touched it.

I do however think as Dennis pointed out it's pain relief could be beneficial to many people, and probably safer with less side-effects or dangers than many prescription pharmacy drugs.

Never been particuarly interested myself, but legalization and taxation are way better than prohibition in my opinion (especially since prohibition doesn't work!)

And the extra tax revenues are also VERY welcome for ANY government, right ?

Uruguay did something similar in december 2013

I have to make a tough choice: Do I move to Colorado or Uruguay ? :unsure: :D

I think it's only a matter of time before the politicians in Colorado will come up with an even more brilliant idea: if you turn in your gun, you get a free bag of marijuana.

Note: Using the words "brilliant" and "politician" in the same sentence is considered to be an oxymoron here in the U.S.A..

Personally, I think it should only be available to those who need it for medicinal purposes and smoking it in public should not be allowed. It smells horrid, makes me sick and I loathe going to concerts and night time events where I'm forced to breathe it in.

I loathe going to concerts and night time events where I'm forced to breathe it in.

So you could flunk a drug test based upon the secondhand breathing of it.

Regardless of what laws are passed many employers still aren't going to have pot smokers working for them since many require getting a drug test to work for them and then people are subjected to random drug tests while working for them. To many employers drug use goes hand in hand with thievery.

So you could flunk a drug test based upon the secondhand breathing of it.

Regardless of what laws are passed many employers still aren't going to have pot smokers working for them since many require getting a drug test to work for them and then people are subjected to random drug tests while working for them. To many employers drug use goes hand in hand with thievery.

Oh I know. I used to get so nervous at work after going out to Horror Nights that they would do those random drug tests and I'd get canned because of being around it.

Note: Using the words "brilliant" and "politician" in the same sentence is considered to be an oxymoron here in the U.S.A..

Just in the USA? I think it's EVERYWHERE.

And related to the topic: I am no smoker but I also prefer to allow than to prohibit.

Not a big fan of the smell myself, I guess the solution will have to be to stay inside more on the computer if it gets legalized in New York. oh woe!

Not a big fan of the smell myself, I guess the solution will have to be to stay inside more on the computer if it gets legalized in New York. oh woe!

Sounds awful. :lol: :lol:

You guys didn't see Yes's Relayer concert in Colt Park, CT in 1975, did you.

For me it's "medical purposes only", no smoking in public places, smoke it at your own place, Governments can and should charge high taxes, stiff fines if caught driving within 12 hours of smoking it.

We can only hope that legal control and sales will put the illegal trade out of business. As LuLu states "It smells horrid, makes me sick and I loathe going to concerts and night time events where I'm forced to breathe it in."

I ate it for breakfast in the 70s but wouldn't go near it since then. It just makes you stupid. Talk to anybody on it & you'll see.

I ate it for breakfast in the 70s but wouldn't go near it since then. It just makes you stupid. Talk to anybody on it & you'll see.

/me Wonders about generalizing in that manner. /me wonders how many people corona honors as smart toke every so often, are who are in actuality high 24/7


I actually consider you a top notch moderator of this site. Do you smoke weed 24/7?


I actually consider you a top notch moderator of this site. Do you smoke weed 24/7?

I'll leave you to wonder on that on your own time, the circles where I come from such a query would be considered quite out of sorts.

That said did you know that white and non-white answer yes to that voluntary line of questioning in equal proportions; yet non-white arrests for small personal usage are double (or more depending on the locale). That these arrests can permanently damage a person's credibility, credit ratings and ability to get certain jobs.

Anyway, not trying to evangelize...I stayed out of this thread on purpose. But if there was a release of prohibition, you would notice it's existence no more nor less than you do today ,after a cooling off period (see the 1930s).

I like the mental imagery of someone with a bowl of marijuana nuggets sitting in milk. Might be good dry with some dressing?

I like the mental imagery of someone with a bowl of marijuana nuggets sitting in milk.

The real question is are the nuggets sitting in the milk, or the high guy who thinks he's the nuggets? :lol: