Can you check Internet History Using I.P. Adress

Can someone access your computer's internet history using your I.P. address? If so, will changing your I.P. adress erase all that data and fully disconnect you from the previous I.P. address? This is all about privacy!

Depends what you mean, really. As far as I know your ISP has a record of every search you made and every site you visited, and has by law to keep these records for at least 12 months (UK). Changing your IP address, as will happen with dynamic IP addressing every time you boot your pc/router, is no defence, as your ISP will be able to cross-reference dynamic allocations to a particular user.

Websites will also record who's visited, and again any visit can be traced back to some hapless user. There are some who use proxy sites to hide this info from the visited site, but the ISP will still have the original request. People have dedicated their lives to evading detection, there must be acres of stuff on Google (but your ISP will know you're looking for it!).

I'm sure our wonderful government is also monitoring certain sites as we speak, or type, as well as analysing every email that's sent.

PS Here, by co-incidence,

Have a look at the Gov Requests Tool on the right. I bet that going by % of population the UK makes the most data requests in the world.

You broadband modem alone can be used to gather all kinds of info of exactly where you've been, and when you went there. Changing your IP address won't do squat to change its internal logs until they're dumped out of its memory.

You broadband modem alone can be used to gather all kinds of info of exactly where you've been, and when you went there. Changing your IP address won't do squat to change its internal logs until they're dumped out of its memory.

Can you guys please add to CCleaner, an option to dump & permanently overwrite/erase broadband modem logs?

Thank you!

Heh heh!

Can you guys please add to CCleaner, an option to dump & permanently overwrite/erase broadband modem logs?

It's hardware though, only controllable by going into your modem config.