Can we please have DISABLE UPDATE in the lower right corner of Install Options?

If, for security reasons, we don't allow applications to access the internet, we now have to *wait* every time we manually update CCleaner because it phones home at startup. This makes sense for users wishing to get the most updated version but it could be resolved by simply giving us a Disable Update and Deselect All option,

1. So we don't have to wait for CCleaner to figure out it is blocked from accessing the internet to only then proceed with install


2. So we don't have to manually uncheck all five Install Options if we're manually updating secure machines

so can we please have DISABLE UPDATE and UNCHECK ALL in the lower right corner of the install window?

There already is a checkbox to tell whether you want CCleaner to check for updates or not. And since CCleaner has a setting for it, it will be in the Registry / INI file.

But...Is CCleaner really needed on PCs with no access to the Internet ?

here is a sensible idea, uncheck check for updates


You guys didn't understand: In situations where firewalls block access to internet to all applications except to Firefox, then you have to manually update CCleaner...

and that is when you encounter the problem of:

1. Having to wait for CCleaner to figure out it can't access the internet before finally continuing the installation.

2. Having to uncheck all install options manually instead of clicking on one Deselect All button.

I have the same problem.

I already know the most current CCleaner version, & I always manually update.

I hate waiting a few seconds for the installer to check.

Turn off auto updating & make it manually selectable. Solves lots of problems & saves bandwidth!

Many times discussions like this turn into what the authors should or shouldn't do and we miss the big point: authors should should do what they think is best just include the option to turn auto update off, which we we can't do now. Maybe a single button in the corner for everyone who is manually updating that would turn off updates and uncheck all five install check marks?

There already is a checkbox to tell whether you want CCleaner to check for updates or not. And since CCleaner has a setting for it, it will be in the Registry / INI file.

But...Is CCleaner really needed on PCs with no access to the Internet ?

Yes, it is.

You have no idea how many computers are traded that used to be connected to the internet, or have had the internet, then it was turned off, etc.

I see no problem.

I simply download the portable version of CC.

I unzip it and replace the old *.exe with the new one.

All good to go using my previous special configuration *.ini.

No installation,

No phone home. no delay.


I simply download the portable version of CC.

Can I simply replace an installed version of CCleaner with a portable one (without an .ini file)?


I suggest you first run your installed version and go to

Options => Advanced

check the option "Save all settings to INI file"

Then close CC and as it closes it will create the INI file with all your preferences that had been in the registry.

Being ultra cautious my approach is to then download and unzip the portable version to a different location.

This includes a default INI file for default behaviour.

Then replace the default INI file with a copy of the the INI that has been saved in the original installed folder.

Then I have two versions (installed and portable) in two independent folders.

I launch (WITHOUT CLEANING) both and, side by side, confirm the same option checks are in place,

then I ONLY ANALYSE first one, and then the other,

and satisfy myself they are both wanting to zap the same things.


You can run the analysis simultaneous if you wish.

It is unlikely to make any difference in time taken or results.

"It cannot do any harm" - but that only means it is more of a surprise when Windows does a BSOD

If you try to CLEAN with both simultaneously you are much braver than I


Then I close both versions.

If all is well (and it always has been)

1. you may delete the contents of the installed version folder,

and replace with the new contents of the unzipped portable; or

2. delete the complete installed folder and set new start links to the new location.
