I was thinking about downloading the MS Sp ware beta program. However, I just want to make sure that there will be no conflict with my AV program (by that I mean the kind of conflict that you would have running two AV programs).
As I understand it, the MS Spy ware Program is not an AV program, so there would be no conflict. Is that correct?
If you run two anti-virus programs together you will have major slow-down and other issues like BSOD
The MS SP program should not conflict with your AV since like you said, its not an AV.
Welcome to Piriform lelandstrott.
Why would you want to run two AV apps at the same time? Do you think you will be twice as safe?
Some AV apps use a lot of system resoures. I don't have my AVG 7.5 running all the time. Why would you need it running all the time? If you download or are given any files that your not sure about you just right-click on that folder and scan for virus. With AVG there is avgamsvr.exe which runs in the backbround and it doesn't show up in Task Manager so that protects anything that a web site might download to you thats suspect. Plus I have Uninstall Manager which tells me what additional files have been installed and where. ![;)]()
2 av at once is NOT a good idea.
Instead of making a new thread I'll ask here, would the same logic apply for two software firewalls even if one of them was the Windows firewall?
Most software firewall use the windows api to turn off windows firewall when they are installed, and turn it back on when they aren't installed.
Yes but you can easily turn the Windows firewall back on yourself manually.
In most cases it depends on the brand as well as the function to determine if you can run two security programs together. If one program is strictly an antivirus and the other is strictly an antispyware then in most cases they should be able to run at the same time without any conflict. Unfortunately that's a matter of trial and error as some will conflict with another and so on. Some will even conflict with your firewall. Normally I have 2 antivirus programs on my machine but only one I allow to run in realtime while the other one I have to scan from time to time if I suspect a virus got past my main antivirus.
Instead of making a new thread I'll ask here, would the same logic apply for two software firewalls even if one of them was the Windows firewall?
Windows firewall doesn't act like other firewalls (Explains why you should use another firewall) so it usually doesn't conflict with other software. Take zonealarm free for example, it works better with windows firewall on. Pretty much it just depends on the software you use
Honestly having two AV's installed anymore isn't a necessity to find malware one may miss, just use one of the free online scanners like ESET's every three or so months to verify your anti-malware is working.
Online scanners are definitely a godsend although you do have to deal with longer scan times because it's over the internet. I frequently use Kaspersky's Online Scanner and Panda Activescan.
Online scanners are definitely a godsend although you do have to deal with longer scan times because it's over the internet.
I used to use ClamWin Free Antivirus as my secondary backup AV which is perfectly fine to do since it doesn't have resident protection, however the very long scan times is what made me permanently switch to using ESET Online Scanner, which scans everything in about 30 minutes.
I used to use ClamWin Free Antivirus as my secondary backup AV which is perfectly fine to do since it doesn't have resident protection, however the very long scan times is what made me permanently switch to using ESET Online Scanner, which scans everything in about 30 minutes.
I agree... I had ClamWin on my work computer as a secondary scanner to Sysmantec (not by choice) up until last week. I got tired of the long scan times and it didn't seem like detection was very good either. I may give ESET a try though!
ESET is really good! Catches basically everything, and very fast scan time. I have NOD32, so I know. ![;)]()