Can Someone Please Explain the Various Defrag Options?

I'm sure this has been covered before in various places, but I haven't been able to find it in the forum or in the help section of the program (where I think it should be!).

Can someone please spell out the difference between:

- Defrag Files

- Defrag Drive

- Defrag Freespace

- Defrag Freespace (allow fragmentation)

What are the pros and cons of each function? Why would a user run each one (the merits of Defrag Files are pretty well known, but what about the other functions)?

And when I schedule defragmentation (thank you, Piriform, for this feature), which of the above options is the program launching?


We are working on some detailed documentation for these features and this should be available soon.



Ah ha. That's the news I was lookin' for. Thanks. :)

How's that coming?

How's that coming?

Hi Raheem,

Shame on you !!! :lol:

Every now and then, for a Piriform update, just drop by the Announcements forum.

You are going to like this one.

Hooray !!! :P

:) davey

P.S. Keep in mind that this is just the beginning.

There are some items that are still not fully explained but I think I have noticed changes already.

Just keep checking the new site and you will notice also.