Can Recuva recover recently deleted photos from my Android phone?


What settings do I need for this? I tried but didn't succeed. The photos are the most recent 6 photos taken and I haven't taken any after them.

I transferred the photos to my hard drive and then deleted the photos from my phone, but apparently the transfer failed as the photos are not on my hard drive :-(

Would it help to use a search such as 2021042*.jpg?

Also, how do I know if I have the latest version installed? I get automatic updates of CCleaner but don't know if it also updates Recuva.


sadly I don't think recuva can help here. Recuva needs a drive letter to scan and android removed the ability to do so in android 5(? Maybe even 4).

Recuva has not had an update in some time (the developers say a new version is on the way but i've stopped waiting) so it's likely your is already the latest, it does not autoupdate like ccleaner I don't think.

Other things you could try:

Have you tried searching your hard drive for the photos?

Depending on how you transferred them they may have been put in a folder you didn't expect.

Do you have your Android phone synced?

If so there should still be a copy of the deleted files in the the sync trash bin.

This tells you how to recover files from there:

Thank you both for your replies and for the info.

Yes, I did already search my hard drive in case the photos had ended up in a different folder.

I'll check the link you posted.