Thanks! I tried the KeePass repair method without any luck. How could it repair it? It's a 0 byte file.
Is it beyond recovery then?
I can't believe this piece of s*** for an operating system!
I had Windows 8.1 installed on an SSD, system disk C, no partitioning except the RAW caching partition. I had the backup partition on a separate partition J, which is a mechanical HDD.
Windows 10 should not have even touched my J drive. The reason it did the scan may have something to do with my previous Windows installations and my dual, triple, quad boot configurations with Windows 7, 8, 10, 10 with different builds and so on and so forth, and different Linux distros. I know Windows hates it when other systems are present on the same machine, even if it's another Windows version, even if it's the same version of Windows. Not to mention when it's a Linux or another system present. These stupid automatic disk scan and repair and other "features" try too hard to be smart for their own good.
Windows 10 especially, so I've noticed, does not like having multi-boot configurations. I previously had 3 installations of Windows 10 on separate partitions of the same disk. Same build version, same bitness, but different languages. Each time I would reboot into one or the other, the disk repair feature would detect and complain about corruption and s***.
The thing is, I saw when Windows 10 was preparing to do the scan and repair. But it was a 3 second timeout! By the time I reached the keyboard, it was already too late! It had began scanning and "repairing". Had I known it would corrupt my KeePass file, I would have pulled the power plug on the f****** machine. Even if it would break the stupid Windows 10 installation. I would rather have my KeePass file intact than Windows 10 smarty pants "feature" destroy my data.
I do have a backup of the file, but it's not a fresh copy. I have about 6 months worth of edits that are now lost! Thank you Microsoft!
I don't like the empty threats people make by saying things like "I will switch to Linux". But I have never in my life been this close to completely ditching Windows for good! Like many people, I have been tolerating a lot of things on part of Windows and Microsoft, and I kept coming back to Windows for one reason or another. Even though I have been using Linux in a multiboot configuration alongside Windows on many machines and for a long time. But this incident, combined with the buggy and nu-finished bloatware called Windows 10 and surveillance "features", this might just be the last straw that broke the camel's back!
At very least, disk scan and repair should have a longer timeout than 3 seconds before it begins! And! It should be non-destructive! It should not have the repair switch enabled! It should be interactive! First, do the scan! Then, ask the user for a course of action! Then, so on and so on. Interactive! Of course, this requires some computer know-how on part of the user. But what's the alternative? Have every f****** computer task automated for us? By Microsoft? Have them "smartphones" and gadgets read our mind and do the right thing for us? Seriously? Are people really this f****** lazy and retarded, that they, for instance don't know how to check the date and time so they would rather have "Cortana" read that loud for them? Or they don't know how to name their folders, so they would rather have a complex algorithm do that for them based on their personality by letting Microsoft learn all about them? What happened to thinking, reading books, learning, and doing things on your own, and thinking on your own? It sickens me to see how this so called "technology" is making people stupid!
I know I should have kept several copies of this file. Backup is the golden key to computing! I know this! I have been using computers for over 30 years. I hate myself for not taking a backup of the backup sooner. But I have a busy schedule, like many other people who have a life. I fell behind on backing up to an external disk. But why should I be punished for this? Why would Windows 10 even dare to touch the mechanical J drive? This is certainly not the target disk it was being installed to. Let me tell you! It's because it's a dangerously unsafe, unstable, and defective by design operating system! Windows is too complex! It's hard to build something new from something old. It's hard to keep compatibility with devices and applications, and build new features at the same time. This is hard work even for the most insightful Windows experts.
You can dress it up any way you want... Windows will still be Windows. Defective by design! Sticking a Ferrari emblem on a Fiat doesn't make it a Ferrari!
I so regret upgrading to this piece of s*** of an operating system. By comparison, even Windows 8, especially 8.1 was excellent! But the best Windows so far was Windows 7! This has been said many times before, and it's worth saying it again. Windows 7 is the best Windows so far! And if look at the way Microsoft is going with Windows 8 and 10, then Windows 7 will be the best and last Windows ever! Windows XP and Windows 7, those are the ones worth mentioning. Of course XP is no longer supported, but so will Windows 7 one day... unfortunately.